Meeting Abstract 20.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 11:30 Dissecting the physiological basis of allochronic isolation in Rhagoletis POWELL, T.H.Q.*; XIA, Q.; FEDER, J.L.; RAGLAND, G.J.; HAHN, D.A.; U. Florida; U. Florida; U. Notre Dame; Kansas State U.; U. of Florida Much of the research on ecological speciation has focused on identifying traits underlying reproductive isolation and examining […]
sessions: Session 20
Combining modeling and empirical approaches to study the variation in a costly antipredator trait tail autotomy in lizards
Meeting Abstract 20.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 10:30 Combining modeling and empirical approaches to study the variation in a costly antipredator trait: tail autotomy in lizards KUO, C-Y*; IRSCHICK, DJ; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst Trait variation among populations often reflects differing selective optima, especially those that are expensive to express or maintain. […]
Breeding sex ratios and relatedness of marine turtles nesting in southern Florida
Meeting Abstract 20.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 11:00 Breeding sex ratios and relatedness of marine turtles nesting in southern Florida LASALA, JA*; HUGHES, C; WYNEKEN, J; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL Sound assessment of the status of a threatened or endangered organism depends on […]
The Role of An Overlooked Adductor Muscle in the Feeding Mechanism of Ray-finned Fishes Predictions from Biorobotic Modeling of a Deep-sea Viperfish
Meeting Abstract 20-1 Monday, Jan. 4 10:15 The Role of An Overlooked Adductor Muscle in the Feeding Mechanism of Ray-finned Fishes: Predictions from Biorobotic Modeling of a Deep-sea Viperfish KENALEY, C. P.*; MARECKI, M.C.; LAUDER, G. V.; Boston College; University of Florida; Harvard University In a majority of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii), affective acquisition of food resources […]
Stable and dynamic gears Morphological effects on mechanical output of the jaw adductors in sharks
Meeting Abstract 20-2 Monday, Jan. 4 10:30 Stable and dynamic gears: Morphological effects on mechanical output of the jaw adductors in sharks RAMSAY, JB*; WILGA, CD; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of Rhode Island The muscles of the adductor mandibulae complex (AMC) in sharks are complexly subdivided and diverse in architecture. A possible benefit of the […]
Prey material properties and the evolution of the feeding apparatus in stingrays
Meeting Abstract 20-4 Monday, Jan. 4 11:00 Prey material properties and the evolution of the feeding apparatus in stingrays KOLMANN, MA*; SUMMERS, AP; LOVEJOY, NR; KOLMANN, Matthe; University of Toronto Scarborough; Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington; University of Toronto Scarborough Stingrays have diversified to fill an array of trophic niches across freshwater, estuarine, and […]
Phylogenetics and jaw biomechanics of balistid fishes Evolutionary patterns of functional change in a unique feeding mechanism
Meeting Abstract 20-5 Monday, Jan. 4 11:15 Phylogenetics and jaw biomechanics of balistid fishes: Evolutionary patterns of functional change in a unique feeding mechanism MCCORD, CL*; WESTNEAT, MW; University of Chicago; University of Chicago Aquatic organisms have evolved a spectacular array of mechanisms for generating suction, accelerating the jaws at high speed, and applying force for […]
Impact of Allometry and Feeding Biomechanics on Ontogenetic Dietary Shifts in Three Coastal Sharks
Meeting Abstract 20-3 Monday, Jan. 4 10:45 Impact of Allometry and Feeding Biomechanics on Ontogenetic Dietary Shifts in Three Coastal Sharks CULLEN, J.A.*; PLUMLEE, J.D.; TINHAN, T.; WELLS, R.J.D.; MARSHALL, C.D.; Texas A&M University, College Station; Texas A&M University, Galveston; Texas A&M University, Galveston; Texas A&M University, Galveston; Texas A&M University, College Station; Texas A&M University, Galveston; […]
Rhapsody in Reproduction Acoustic Modulation of Gonadal Hormones in a Cyprinid Fish
Meeting Abstract 20-5 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30 Rhapsody in Reproduction: Acoustic Modulation of Gonadal Hormones in a Cyprinid Fish CROVO, JA*; JOHNSTON, CE; Auburn University; Auburn University Acoustic signaling is a vital component of courtship and agonistic behaviors. In fishes, acoustic signals advertise important characteristics, such as mate quality and sexual receptivity. These signals […]
Personality corresponds to differences in immunity in two strains of laying hens
Meeting Abstract 20-4 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15 Personality corresponds to differences in immunity in two strains of laying hens. PUSCH, EA*; BENTZ, AB; NAVARA, KJ; University of Georgia; University of Georgia; University of Georgia Studies suggest that, in animals, personality type is correlated with the degree of stress responsiveness. For example, white laying hens […]