Meeting Abstract 2.5 Jan. 4 Effects of fasting on growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor I axis in the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus FOX, B.K.*; RILEY, L.G.; PIERCE, A.L.; HIRANO, T.; GRAU, E.G.; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Hawaii, Manoa Effects of fasting on the growth […]
sessions: Session 2
Early photoperiod and temperature affect growth and sexual maturation in male guinea pigs
Meeting Abstract 2.2 Jan. 4 Early photoperiod and temperature affect growth and sexual maturation in male guinea pigs BAUER, B.C.**; WOMASTEK, I.; DITTAMI, J.; HUBER, S.; University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; University of Vienna, Vienna; University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria Seasonally breeding mammals use environmental cues like photoperiod, […]
Do yolk steroids influence sex in a species with temperature-dependent sex determination
Meeting Abstract 2.11 Jan. 4 Do yolk steroids influence sex in a species with temperature-dependent sex determination? PAITZ, Ryan T.*; HEIDENREICH, Byron A.; BOWDEN, Rachel M.; Illinois State University; Illinois State University; Illionis State University Maternally derived yolk steroids can affect numerous offspring phenotypes in oviparous species. Many studies in reptiles have demonstrated a critical role […]
The Pleistocene Encruster Scene Comparison of Epibionts on Molluscan Shells from Different Habitats
Meeting Abstract 2.2 Thursday, Jan. 3 The Pleistocene Encruster Scene: Comparison of Epibionts on Molluscan Shells from Different Habitats VON DASSOW, YJ*; DROSER, ML; Carnegie Museum of Natural History; Univ. of California, Riverside Encrusters are sessile, suspension feeding, marine organisms such as bryozoans, barnacles, and tube-building worms, that live permanently attached to a substratum. They are […]
Intrapopulation Genetic Variation Facilitates Niche Expansion
Meeting Abstract 2.3 Thursday, Jan. 3 Intrapopulation Genetic Variation Facilitates Niche Expansion AGASHE, Deepa; University of Texas, Austin Evolutionary theory posits that adaptive potential is proportional to additive genetic variation in a population, implying that the rate and degree of adaptation to a novel environment increases with the amount of existing genetic variation for relevant traits. […]
Influence of diapause timing on the evolution of thermotolerance in Wyeomyia smithii
Meeting Abstract 2.4 Thursday, Jan. 3 Influence of diapause timing on the evolution of thermotolerance in Wyeomyia smithii RAGLAND, GJ*; KINGSOLVER, JG; University of Florida; University of North Carolina Tolerance of extreme temperatures is a major adaptation to seasonal environments, often exhibiting intra- and interspecific geographic variation that is correlated with environmental temperatures. Climatic data show […]
Ecomorphology among populations of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis
Meeting Abstract 2.5 Thursday, Jan. 3 Ecomorphology among populations of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis BUCKLEY, C.R.*; ADOLPH, S.C.; IRSCHICK, D.J.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Harvey Mudd College; University of Massachusetts, Amherst Correlations among morphology, performance, and ecology are well understood at broad taxonomic levels, as demonstrated by the large body of work devoted to […]
Ecological divergence in sympatric populations of the Gold-breast Splitfin, Ilyodon furcidens
Meeting Abstract 2.1 Thursday, Jan. 3 Ecological divergence in sympatric populations of the Gold-breast Splitfin, Ilyodon furcidens HUIZINGA, M.*; GHALAMBOR, C.K.; Colorado State University; Colorado State University Understanding the processes that generate and maintain patterns of diversity both within and between species is a central focus of evolutionary ecology. The combined effects of natural and sexual […]
Meeting Abstract 2.6 Thursday, Jan. 3 CHRONIC HYPOXIA, BUT NOT HYPEROXIA, CONSTRAINS GROWTH IN THE AMERICAN ALLIGATOR: A CASE STUDY IN EXPERIMENTAL PALEOPHYSIOLOGY OWERKOWICZ, T.*; HICKS, J.W.; ELSEY, R.M.; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Ancestors of modern amniotes are known to have endured and survived large-scale fluctuations in oxygen levels, including […]
Testing an assumption of a model for the evolution of placentas
Meeting Abstract 2.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 Testing an assumption of a model for the evolution of placentas BANET, Amanda I.*; AU, Arthur G.; REZNICK, David N.; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Trexler and DeAngelis presented the first mathematical model for the evolution of the placenta. The model predicts that […]