Interspecific Genetics of Thermotolerance and the Heat-Shock Response in the virilis Group of Drosophila

FEDER, M.E.; EVGEN’EV, M.B.; ZATSEPINA, O.; GARBUZ, D.; Univ. Chicago; EIMB, Moscow; EIMB, Moscow; EIMB, Moscow: Interspecific Genetics of Thermotolerance and the Heat-Shock Response in the virilis Group of Drosophila In studies of thermotolerance, large differences among higher taxa and small differences within a species are normally separate realms of investigation, with genetic experimentation currently […]

Importance of upstream flow obstructions to convective heat exchange in terrestrial ectotherms

O’CONNOR, M.P.; Drexel Univ.: Importance of upstream flow obstructions to convective heat exchange in terrestrial ectotherms Convective heat transfers can be dominant exchange pathways in terrestrial ectotherms. For animals in the field, estimated convective exchanges, whether based on empirical measurements or on biophysical models, depend on assumptions about air flows. Further, such estimates depend on […]

Endothermy of Ambystomid Salamanders New Perspectives on the Evolution of Endothermy in Vertebrates

PENICK, D. N.; University of Connecticut, Storrs & Bucknell University, Lewisburg PA: Endothermy of Ambystomid Salamanders: New Perspectives on the Evolution of Endothermy in Vertebrates Several Ambystomid species migrate from hibernacula to breeding pools during late winter rains when temperatures can quickly drop below freezing. In these studies, I describe a novel thermoregulatory strategy found […]

Effects of temperature and PGI genotype on performance in a Sierra willow beetle

RANK, N. E.; BRUCE, D. A.; MC MILLAN, D. M.; DAHLHOFF, E. P.; Sonoma State Univ.; Sonoma State Univ.; Santa Clara Univ.; Santa Clara Univ.: Effects of temperature and PGI genotype on performance in a Sierra willow beetle We examined effects of recent thermal history on locomotor performance in Eastern Sierra, Nevada populations of the […]

Do Ducklings Get Cold Feet

VAN SANT, M. J.; BAKKEN, G. S.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University: Do Ducklings Get Cold Feet? Mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos) take to the water shortly after hatching. Their legs and feet are completely un-insulated and submerged while swimming, providing a place for large amounts of heat transfer to take place. Studies on adult […]

Comparative Physiology of Freeze Tolerance in Hatchling Turtles

COSTANZO, JP; BAKER, PJ*; LEE, RE; Miami University: Comparative Physiology of Freeze Tolerance in Hatchling Turtles Freeze Tolerance in Hatchling Turtles: a Comparative Study J.P. Costanzo, P.J. Baker, and R.E. Lee, Jr. Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, OH Hatchlings of some, though not all, species of northern freshwater turtles are tolerant of somatic freezing, […]

Brief Cold Conditioning Improves Freeze Tolerance and Chill Tolerance in Hatchling Painted Turtles

MUIR, T.J.*; COSTANZO, J.P.; LEE JR, R.E.; Miami University; Miami University; Miami University: Brief Cold Conditioning Improves Freeze Tolerance and Chill Tolerance in Hatchling Painted Turtles Strategies for winter survival in hatchling turtles living in temperate climes involve avoidance of sub-freezing temperatures or an ability to survive them. Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) employ the […]

Theres no such thing as a free lunch on the adaptive value of scavenging in snakes

KROCHMAL, A.R.; University of Houston – Downtown: There�s no such thing as a free lunch: on the adaptive value of scavenging in snakes Snakes are generally considered consummate predators, and therefore, scavenging by snakes has traditionally been discounted or ignored. However, recent reviews, combined with the ubiquitous observation that captive snakes regularly feed on carrion, […]

Foraging Effort and Metabolism in European and African Honey Bees

GRAYSON, D. L.*; HARRISON, J. F.; FEWELL, J. H.; Arizona State Univsersity; Arizona State Univsersity; Arizona State Univsersity: Foraging Effort and Metabolism in European and African Honey Bees African honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) are one of the most successful invasive species known, for they have spread from Southern Brazil throughout the Americas in less […]

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