Dancing with the tails Comparative dynamics of caudal autotomy in geckos

Meeting Abstract 2.6  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Dancing with the tails: Comparative dynamics of caudal autotomy in geckos HIGHAM, Timothy E.*; RUSSELL, Anthony P.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of Calgary thigham@ucr.edu Autotomy, the voluntary loss of an appendage in response to mechanical and/or visual stimulation, is common among diverse groups of vertebrates and invertebrates. Tail autotomy in […]

The effects of the parasites, Cardicola laruei and Henneguya cynoscioni, on the swimming performance of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus

Meeting Abstract 2.5  Friday, Jan. 4  The effects of the parasites, Cardicola laruei and Henneguya cynoscioni, on the swimming performance of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus GEORGE, A.B.*; DE BURON , I.; MCELROY, E.; College of Charleston abgeorge@g.cofc.edu Parasites are often associated with detrimental impacts on host physiology, but very few studies have examined the impact of parasites […]

Structure-function relationships in the pectoral fin of freshwater stingray Potamotrygon orbignyi

Meeting Abstract 2.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Structure-function relationships in the pectoral fin of freshwater stingray Potamotrygon orbignyi BLEVINS, E.L.; Harvard University eblevins@fas.harvard.edu To achieve the characteristic undulations of rajiform locomotion, the pectoral fins of batoid fishes must be flexible and well-controlled, to generate, accommodate, and modulate the propulsive wave. Batoids have dramatically diverged from their shark-like ancestors […]

Quantifying center of mass motion in swimming fishes

Meeting Abstract 2.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Quantifying center of mass motion in swimming fishes LAUDER, G.V.*; XIONG, G.; Harvard Univ. glauder@oeb.harvard.edu Movement of the center of mass (COM) during locomotion is a key parameter that is crucial for understanding the dynamics of movement in animals. Many studies of terrestrial locomotion have focused on motion of the COM […]

Functional morphology and swimming performance in flounder are left-sided fish faster

Meeting Abstract 2.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Functional morphology and swimming performance in flounder: are left-sided fish faster? BERGSTROM, C.A.*; PACHECO, J.; FRITZ, T.; University of Alaska Southeast; University of Alaska Southeast; University of Alaska Southeast cabergstrom@uas.alaska.edu Performance consequences of morphological variation within species set the stage for ecological selection to occur. In fishes, variation in body shape […]

Different strokes for different folks Comparing motion across and within swimming species

Meeting Abstract 2.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Different strokes for different folks: Comparing motion across and within swimming species BURTON, L.J.*; GUASTO, J.S.; STOCKER, R.; HOSOI, A.E.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology lisab@mit.edu Modeling swimming biological systems hinges on accurately representing the shape of the system in […]

Unknown but common The ecophysiology of the green alga Microdictyon setchellianum

Meeting Abstract 2.6  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:15  Unknown but common: The ecophysiology of the green alga Microdictyon setchellianum YAMASE, N. *; SMITH, C.; Chaminade University of Honolulu; University of Honolulu at Manoa nicole.yamase@student.chaminade.edu Understanding how physical factors affect the photosynthesis and growth of macroalgae are crucial to estimating their ecological success and the health of the reef […]

Top-down Control by Bonnethead Sharks in Oyster Reef Communities Through Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Effects

Meeting Abstract 2.2  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:15  Top-down Control by Bonnethead Sharks in Oyster Reef Communities Through Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Effects. HOLMES, Z.C.*; BYERS, J.E.; MALEK, J. ; The University of Georgia; The University of Georgia; The University of Georgia zholmes9@uga.edu The eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) along the Atlantic coast are an important foundational species upon which […]

Settler habitat preferences and post-settlement processes combine to explain the distribution of a coral reef fish

Meeting Abstract 2.3  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30  Settler habitat preferences and post-settlement processes combine to explain the distribution of a coral reef fish MAJORIS, J.E.*; D’ALOIA, C.C.; BUSTON, P.M.; Boston University, MA; Boston University, MA; Boston University, MA jmajoris@bu.edu In the marine environment, many organisms produce dispersive larvae that develop offshore before settling on benthic habitat. The […]

Risk vs reward effects on reef fish herbivory

Meeting Abstract 2.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:45  Risk vs. reward effects on reef fish herbivory GIL, MA; University of Florida m.gil@ufl.edu Perceived risk of predation drives species distributions and key interactions across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Optimal foraging theory posits that decisions to forage are determined by an individual’s perception of the trade-off between risk and reward. […]

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