Meeting Abstract 2.5 Tuesday, Jan. 4 What’s so great about jaws?: Functional disparity of the early gnathostome radiation ANDERSON, P.*; FRIEDMAN, M.; BRAZEAU, M.; RAYFIELD, E. J.; Univ. of Bristol, UK; Oxford Univ, UK; Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin; Univ. of Bristol, UK In the earliest Devonian (ca. 420 Mya), gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) shared ecological space with […]
sessions: Session 2
Evolutionary dynamics of the boxfish carapace II functional diversity
Meeting Abstract 2.3 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Evolutionary dynamics of the boxfish carapace II: functional diversity ALFARO, ME*; MARCROFT, TA; VAN WASSENBERGH, S; SLATER, GS; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. Antwerpen; Univ. of California, Los Angeles The carapace is thought to confer both mechanical defense and hydrodynamic stability to aracanid and […]
Evolutionary dynamics of boxfish carapace I phylogenetic diversity
Meeting Abstract 2.2 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Evolutionary dynamics of boxfish carapace I: phylogenetic diversity MARCROFT, T.A.*; MODLIN, J; SANTINI, F; MCPEEK, M.A.; ALFARO, M.E.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Dartmouth College; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Boxfishes–order Tetraodontiformes, families Ostraciidae and Aracanidae–are characterized by having a […]
Evolutionary Trends in Functional Morphology Across a Phylogenetic MegaTree for all Fishes
Meeting Abstract 2.4 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Evolutionary Trends in Functional Morphology Across a Phylogenetic MegaTree for all Fishes WESTNEAT, Mark; Field Museum of Natural History Major patterns of evolution in complex characters such as feeding and locomotor mechanisms often reveal a strikingly high frequency of independent origin or reversal across large phylogenetic trees. In this study […]
Coral Reefs promote the evolution of morphological diversity and ecological novelty in labrid fishes
Meeting Abstract 2.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Coral Reefs promote the evolution of morphological diversity and ecological novelty in labrid fishes PRICE, Samantha A*; HOLZMAN, Roi A; NEAR, Thomas J; WAINWRIGHT, Peter C; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of Tel-Aviv; Yale University; Univ. of California, Davis Although coral reefs are renowned biodiversity hotspots it is not known […]
The role of practice (or lack thereof) on the recovery of jump performance in tailless green anole lizards Anolis carolinensis
Meeting Abstract 2.1 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The role of practice (or lack thereof) on the recovery of jump performance in tailless green anole lizards Anolis carolinensis KUO, CY*; GILLIS, GB; IRSCHICK, DJ; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst; Mt. Holyoke College; Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst Locomotor performance is critical to organismal survival but is often impaired when the […]
The gripping forces and behavior of climbing snakes
Meeting Abstract 2.5 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The gripping forces and behavior of climbing snakes BYRNES, Greg*; JAYNE, Bruce C; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati Arboreal environments consist of a network of cylindrical branches inclined from the horizontal. On these substrates, animals lacking claws must use muscular force to generate sufficient normal force to prevent slipping […]
The correlation between locomotor performance and hindlimb kinematics during burst locomotion in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi
Meeting Abstract 2.3 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The correlation between locomotor performance and hindlimb kinematics during burst locomotion in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi MCELROY, EJ*; ARCHAMBEAU , KL; MCBRAYER, LD; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; Georgia Southern University We present data on the three-dimensional hindlimb kinematics during burst locomotion, and the relationship between burst […]
Sprint Sensitivity to Substrate and Ecomorphological Correlates in Six Terrestrial Lizard Species
Meeting Abstract 2.2 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Sprint Sensitivity to Substrate and Ecomorphological Correlates in Six Terrestrial Lizard Species COLLINS, CE*; ANDERSON, RA; MCBRAYER, LD; Georgia Southern University Sprint performance is important to terrestrial lizards for predator evasion, prey acquisition, and fitness. Because many terrestrial species encounter a variety of substrates during locomotion, relationships between morphology, performance, […]
How fore- and hindlimb function changes with incline and perch diameter in Anolis carolinensis
Meeting Abstract 2.4 Wednesday, Jan. 4 How fore- and hindlimb function changes with incline and perch diameter in Anolis carolinensis FOSTER, K.L.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Arboreal lizards often traverse a wide range of inclines and surface diameters in their habitats. To execute these complex locomotor behaviors, both the fore- […]