Meeting Abstract 19.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Do Sea Snakes Anticipate Tropical Storms? LILLYWHITE, H.B.*; LIU, Y-L; TU, M-C; University of Florida, Gainesville; National Taiwan Normal University; National Taiwan Normal University Laticauda spp. sea snakes inhabit coastal zones characterized by high energy due to tidal surge and wave action. The impact on sea snakes of the dynamic […]
sessions: Session 19
Buried Alive The Physiological Ecology of Manduca sexta Pupal Chambers
Meeting Abstract 19.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Buried Alive: The Physiological Ecology of Manduca sexta Pupal Chambers SPRAGUE, J. C.*; WOODS, H. A.; The University of Montana; The University of Montana Many organisms mold the physical material of their environments to their own benefit, and these changes can have far reaching ecological and physiological effects (i.e., bird […]
The contribution of anti-parasite behavior to resistance and tolerance of trematode infections in anuran tadpoles
Meeting Abstract 19.2 Tuesday, Jan. 4 The contribution of anti-parasite behavior to resistance and tolerance of trematode infections in anuran tadpoles SEARS, B.F.*; ROHR, J.R.; MARTIN, L.B.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Hosts can cope with parasites utilizing two strategies: resistance, which reduces the intensity of an infection, and/or […]
Ontogenetic changes in immunity in Mormon crickets
Meeting Abstract 19.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Ontogenetic changes in immunity in Mormon crickets SRYGLEY, R.B.**; , ; USDA-Agricultural Research Service Immune defenses confer protection from wounding and invasion. A trade-off between allocation of resources to growth or defense is well known in many plants, but it is much less explored in insects. Mormon crickets (a katydid) […]
Fitness consequences of a parasite specific immune response in Darwin’s finches
Meeting Abstract 19.5 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Fitness consequences of a parasite specific immune response in Darwin’s finches KOOP, Jennifer AH*; KNUTIE, Sarah A; OWEN, Jeb P; CLAYTON, Dale H; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Washington State Univ.; Univ. of Utah The immune system has evolved as a defense mechanism for hosts against their parasites and […]
Exploring the effects of pregnancy on Th1Th2 immune tradeoffs in the African buffalo
Meeting Abstract 19.6 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Exploring the effects of pregnancy on Th1/Th2 immune tradeoffs in the African buffalo O’NEAL, D.M.*; JOLLES, A.E.; EZENWA, V.O.; University of Georgia; Oregon State University; University of Georgia Reproduction is costly and requires significant maternal investment. This investment increases as pregnancy progresses and maternal resources are allocated to fetal development […]
Ectoparasite Removal Improves Reproductive Success And Body Condition In A Territorial Tree Squirrel
Meeting Abstract 19.4 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Ectoparasite Removal Improves Reproductive Success And Body Condition In A Territorial Tree Squirrel PATTERSON, J. E. H.; University of Calgary Parasites are widely considered to be detrimental to the fitness of their hosts; however, the actual costs of parasitism on host fitness are rarely quantified. I experimentally removed ectoparasites from […]
Concentrations of antibacterial proteins in eggs an index of environmental microbial pressure
Meeting Abstract 19.3 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Concentrations of antibacterial proteins in eggs: an index of environmental microbial pressure? HORROCKS, N.P.C.*; WHEELER, E.; MATSON, K.D.; HEGEMANN, A.; TIELEMAN, B.I.; University of Groningen; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Groningen; University of Groningen; University of Groningen Environmental variation in microbial communities and the pathogen pressures they exert […]
Tracking Reptilian Footprints
Meeting Abstract 19.2 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Tracking Reptilian Footprints BURNELL, Amy L*; YOUNG, Bruce A; Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell; Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell The few previous controlled studies on the influence of substrate on tetrapod locomotion have shown significant changes in locomotor cycles with changing substrate. We examined the relationship between substrate and the locomotion of […]
The effects of posture and body mass on uneven terrain locomotion in Galliformes and Struthio camelus
Meeting Abstract 19.3 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The effects of posture and body mass on uneven terrain locomotion in Galliformes and Struthio camelus BIRN-JEFFERY, A.V.*; DALEY, M.A.; Royal Veterinary College, UK; Royal Veterinary College, UK Galliformes are a diverse group of ground dwelling birds, which are capable runners and span a 50-fold body size range (0.085-5kg). This […]