Meeting Abstract 19-1 Thursday, Jan. 4 10:15 – 10:30 An examination of current practices of testosterone administration: comparing the effects of testosterone versus testosterone propionate implants in the hen WROBEL, ER*; KHAN, NY; CURRY, JE; MENDONCA, MT; NAVARA, KJ; University of Georgia; University of Georgia; University of Georgia; Auburn University; University of Georgia Physiologists often use […]
sessions: Session 19
Understanding the Evolution of Color Vision Via Adaptive Walks Through Discrimination Landscapes
Meeting Abstract 19-1 Friday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 10:45 Understanding the Evolution of Color Vision Via Adaptive Walks Through Discrimination Landscapes MORRIS, DJ*; OUTOMURO, D; MOREHOUSE, NI; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati Color vision allows for increased discrimination of environmental stimuli, aiding organisms in identification of suitable resources amid complex backgrounds, navigation, […]
The evolution of colour vision across jumping spiders
Meeting Abstract 19-7 Friday, Jan. 4 12:00 – 12:15 The evolution of colour vision across jumping spiders OUTOMURO, D*; ZUREK, D/B; TAYLOR, L/A; CRONIN, T/W; DHARMARAAJ, B; KUNTE, K; MOREHOUSE, N/I; University of Cincinnati, USA; University of Cincinnati, USA; University of Florida, USA; University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA; National Centre for Biological Sciences, India; National Centre […]
Plumage Manipulation Alters Social Interactions and Reproductive Success in Female Tree Swallows
Meeting Abstract 19-2 Friday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00 Plumage Manipulation Alters Social Interactions and Reproductive Success in Female Tree Swallows TAFF, CC*; ZIMMER, C; VITOUSEK, MN; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University Signals that mediate repeated social interactions have the potential to drive dynamic feedback between signaling phenotype, physiology, and the social environment. In […]
Managing Distraction How Male Courtship Displays Attract and Retain Female Visual Attention in a Jumping Spider
Meeting Abstract 19-4 Friday, Jan. 4 11:15 – 11:30 Managing Distraction: How Male Courtship Displays Attract and Retain Female Visual Attention in a Jumping Spider MOREHOUSE, NI*; ECHEVERRI, SA; BRUCE, M; LONG, S; JAKOB , E; ZUREK, DB; U Cincinnati; UPittsburgh; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; U Cincinnati Courtship displays are among nature’s most […]
Dissecting the effects of flight behavior and neuromodulation on gaze control
Meeting Abstract 19-3 Friday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:15 Dissecting the effects of flight behavior and neuromodulation on gaze control DEFINO, N.J.*; FOX, J.L.; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University Animals integrate multiple senses in order to understand the body’s relation to its surroundings. Flies use visual and proprioceptive clues to detect body rotations […]
Categorical Perception of a Carotenoid-based Assessment Signal
Meeting Abstract 19-5 Friday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 11:45 Categorical Perception of a Carotenoid-based Assessment Signal GREEN, PA*; CAVES, EM; ZIPPLE, MN; PETERS, S; JOHNSEN, S; NOWICKI, S; Duke University Animals use signals to assess quality, motivation, and other factors in contexts ranging from mate choice to aggression. Current models of signal evolution often assume […]
Categorical Perception of Color Along a Blue-Green Continuum in Female Zebra Finches
Meeting Abstract 19-6 Friday, Jan. 4 11:45 – 12:00 Categorical Perception of Color Along a Blue-Green Continuum in Female Zebra Finches CAVES, EM*; ZIPPLE, MN; GREEN, PA; PETERS, S; JOHNSEN, S; NOWICKI, S; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University Color stimuli vary continuously, but increasing evidence suggests that color perception […]