Persistence of Respiratory Disease in Tortoise Populations Subclinical Disease, Transmission, and a Possible Dilution-Effect

Meeting Abstract 19-3  Thursday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15  Persistence of Respiratory Disease in Tortoise Populations: Subclinical Disease, Transmission, and a Possible Dilution-Effect SANDMEIER, FC*; MALONEY, NK; TRACY, CR; HUNTER, K; DUPRE, S; Colorado State University-Pueblo; Vanderbilt Univesity; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno We re-analyzed data from a transmission […]

Modeling amphibian-chytrid disease dynamics less than 10 years following a chytrid outbreak

Meeting Abstract 19-5  Thursday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45  Modeling amphibian-chytrid disease dynamics less than 10 years following a chytrid outbreak DIRENZO, GV*; ZIPKIN, EF; GRANT, EHC; LONGO, AV; ZAMUDIO, KR; ROYLE, JA; LIPS, KR; Michigan State University; Michigan State University; USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; University of Maryland; Cornell University; USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; University […]

Home Is Where the Gut Is Variation Among Mosquito Species and Their Endosymbionts Across Different Habitats

Meeting Abstract 19-6  Thursday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00  Home Is Where the Gut Is: Variation Among Mosquito Species and Their Endosymbionts Across Different Habitats ZUAZO, CE*; BENNETT, S; KAPAN, D; California Academy of Sciences; California Academy of Sciences; California Academy of Sciences Mosquitoes are infamous for their role as the most significant vector for infectious […]

Applying Metagenomic Sequencing to Search for the Cause of an Elusive Avian Disease Avian Keratin Disorder in Black-capped Chickadees

Meeting Abstract 19-4  Thursday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30  Applying Metagenomic Sequencing to Search for the Cause of an Elusive Avian Disease: Avian Keratin Disorder in Black-capped Chickadees ZYLBERBERG, M*; VAN HEMERT, C; DUMBACHER, JP; HANDEL, CM; TIHAN, T; DERISI, JL; University of California, San Francisco; California Academy of Sciences; US Geological Survey; California Academy of Sciences; […]

Short-term HPG axis activation has longer-term effects on paternal care implications for the use of GnRH challenges

Meeting Abstract 19-4  Thursday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:15  Short-term HPG axis activation has longer-term effects on paternal care: implications for the use of GnRH challenges GEORGE, EM*; NAVARRO, D; ROSVALL, KA; Indiana University, Bloomington; Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Indiana University, Bloomington Gonadal steroids, such as testosterone (T), mediate many reproductive and social behaviors in vertebrates. It […]

Physiological Mechanisms Driving Foraging, Fattening and Reproduction in an Arctic Seaduck

Meeting Abstract 19-6  Thursday, Jan. 4 11:15 – 11:30  Physiological Mechanisms Driving Foraging, Fattening and Reproduction in an Arctic Seaduck HENNIN, HL*; LEGAGNEUX, P; GILCHRIST, HG; JANSSEN, MH; BÊTY, J; LOVE, OP; University of Windsor, Windsor, ON; Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, QC; National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON; National Wildlife Research […]

Experimentally elevated testosterone increases telomere loss in a songbird

Meeting Abstract 19-2  Thursday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 10:45  Experimentally elevated testosterone increases telomere loss in a songbird HEIDINGER, BJ*; SLOWINSKI, SP; SIRMAN, AE; KITTILSON, J; GERLACH, NM; KETTERSON, ED; North Dakota State University; Indiana University; North Dakota State University; North Dakota State University; University of Florida; North Dakota State University; Indiana University Reproductive investment often […]

Evidence of annual testosterone cycles in baleen of a male bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)

Meeting Abstract 19-7  Thursday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 11:45  Evidence of annual testosterone cycles in baleen of a male bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) HUNT, KE*; BUCK, CL; WILLING, C; DILLON, D; JøRGENSEN, MPH; FERGUSON, S; MATTHEWS, CJD; N Arizona Univ; N Arizona Univ; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; N Arizona Univ; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Fisheries and […]

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