Allometry of SDA, scaling the metabolic response to digestion

SECOR, S.M.; Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa: Allometry of SDA, scaling the metabolic response to digestion The attention on the allometric effects of body mass on metabolism has predominately been focused on basal (or standard) and maximum metabolic rates. The growing interest in the metabolic states associated with meal digestion warrants an investigation of their allometric […]

Surface opening variations, dominant frequency and amplitude of song in the prairie mole cricket

HILL, P.S.M.; Univ. of Tulsa, Oklahoma USA: Surface opening variations, dominant frequency and amplitude of song in the prairie mole cricket Mole crickets in the Orthopteran family Gryllotalpidae are known for their digging forelimbs and their singing from specialized burrows they have constructed in the soil. Few descriptions of singing, or acoustic, burrows are available […]

Female breeding coloration as a signal for mate selection not such a bright idea after all

FALLAHPOUR, Kamelia; ESPINOZA, Robert E.; California State Univ. Northridge; California State Univ. Northridge: Female breeding coloration as a signal for mate selection: not such a bright idea after all? Breeding coloration is phylogenetically widespread in lizards and known to influence mate choice in both sexes. Female breeding coloration (bright yellow, orange, or red) is rare, […]

Dopaminergic activity after aggressive interactions in relation to social signals and motivation

KORZAN, Wayne/J; FORSTER, Gina/L; WATT, Micheal/J; �VERLI, �yvind ; SUMMERS, Cliff/H; Univ. of South Dakota; Univ. of South Dakota; Univ. of South Dakota; University of Oslo; Univ. of South Dakota: Dopaminergic activity after aggressive interactions in relation to social signals and motivation In Anolis carolinensis, eyespot formation, i.e. darkening of postorbital skin from green to […]

Does reproductive state affect echolocation signals in Eptesicus fuscus a preliminary study

GRILLIOT, M.E.*; BURNETT, S.C.; MENDON�A, M.T.; Auburn University, Auburn; Clayton College &State University, Morrow; Auburn University, Auburn: Does reproductive state affect echolocation signals in Eptesicus fuscus: a preliminary study? Ultrasound is a widely used acoustical method for social communication, as well as for navigation and foraging. Although bats are well known for their use of […]

The role of thickness and curvature in dictating subchondral bone stresses in mammalian joints

SWARTZ, S.M.; KAY, N.; MIDDLETON, K.M.; BLUME, J. A.; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI: The role of thickness and curvature in dictating subchondral bone stresses in mammalian joints Most analyses of the design of mammal limb bones focus on the compact bone shaft or […]

The role of estradiol in mechanotransduction

DEVLIN, M.J.*; LIEBERMAN, D.E.; OLSEN, B.R.; FUKAI, N.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School: The role of estradiol in mechanotransduction Despite evidence that mechanical loads can induce diaphyseal bone growth, the mechanisms of mechanotransduction in growing bone are poorly understood. One hypothesis is that hormone levels affect osteoblast response to mechanical […]

Locomotor bone strain and ontogenetic histology of the humerus in Alligator mississippiensis

LEE, A.H.*; ESPINOZA, N.; BLOB, R.W.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Erskine College; Clemson Univ.: Locomotor bone strain and ontogenetic histology of the humerus in Alligator mississippiensis Recent studies suggest the state and magnitude of strain strongly correlate with the microstructural organization of a limb bone. That correlation has been well tested in bones of animals […]

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