The Minimal Marking Technique Grading Writing Assignments while Promoting Active Learning

Meeting Abstract 16-1  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:00 – 10:15  The Minimal Marking Technique: Grading Writing Assignments while Promoting Active Learning ENGLISH, P; SILVERTHORN, DU*; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin Requiring students to write can enhance their analytical, elaboration, and critical thinking skills while giving them an opportunity to explore the scientific […]

Implementing Vision and Change into the first-year biology sequence for majors

Meeting Abstract 16-5  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:15  Implementing Vision and Change into the first-year biology sequence for majors. MINEO, PM*; HEBERT, AK; BENNETT, KF; GUENTHER, MF; KSIAZEK-MIKENAS, K; RAIMONDI, SL; Elmhurst College The Department of Biology at Elmhurst College recently revised the introductory biology sequence for first-year students following the recommendations of Vision and […]

Getting Undergrads to Write the Something

Meeting Abstract 16-4  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00  Getting Undergrads to Write the Something KILLION, KD; Blinn College District, Brenham, TX; Blinn College Getting undergraduates to take notes is a struggle. They either write nothing or attempt to write every word. I have a background in teaching 6-12 science and have done professional development for […]

Developing a multidisciplinary, undergraduate research training program for dual enrolled students

Meeting Abstract 16-8  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:45 – 12:00  Developing a multidisciplinary, undergraduate research training program for dual enrolled students COYLE, J.A*; LOLAVAR, A.A; MEREDITH, T.L; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University High School (FAUHS) is a public, dual enrollment high school on the campus of Florida Atlantic University. FAUHS […]

Cross-pollination Art & Sex through the Lens of Botany

Meeting Abstract 16-6  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:15 – 11:30  Cross-pollination: Art & Sex through the Lens of Botany MARTINE, C.T*; KELL, A. ; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA Offered as a sophomore-level Integrated Perspectives course at Bucknell University, Art & Sex Through the Lens Botany integrates the professional perspectives of a visual […]

Creating LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Biology Curricula and Classrooms

Meeting Abstract 16-7  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 11:45  Creating LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Biology Curricula and Classrooms SHARPE, SL; Kansas State University LGBTQIA+ students in college biology classes often find their identities and experiences ignored or stigmatized, which can alienate these students from continuing to study biology and reaffirm harmful misconceptions about sex, gender, and sexuality for […]

Bio Inspired Design translating biology to engineering and design

Meeting Abstract 16-2  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:15 – 10:30  Bio Inspired Design: translating biology to engineering and design YEN, J*; LI, W; Georgia Tech, School of Biol.Sciences, Atlanta, GA; Georgia Tech, School of Industrial Design, Atlanta, GA Biologically inspired design takes superlatives of Nature and translates into designs and engineering processes. Bio inspired design avoids […]

Fish Respond to Murine Leptin Injections by Increasing Intracellular Fat Metabolism

LONDRAVILLE, R.L.*; DUVALL, C.S.: Fish Respond to Murine Leptin Injections by Increasing Intracellular Fat Metabolism. Green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were injected (i.p.) with murine leptin over the course of two weeks to test the hypothesis that fish respond to leptin in a manner similar to mammals. Leptin is a 16 kDa protein hormone that controls […]

Endocrine Correlates of Growth in Ocean Dwelling Coho Salmon

Beckman, B.R.*; Fairgrieve, W.; Cooper, K.A.; Mahnken, C.V.W.; Dickhoff, W.W.: Endocrine Correlates of Growth in Ocean Dwelling Coho Salmon Pacific Salmon typically spend 1-3 years foraging and growing in the ocean prior to returning to freshwater spawning sites. Inter-annual differences in ocean temperatures and productivity may have profound effects on the growth of these animals. […]

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