Out of the dark and into the light light preference behaviors in larval zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 16-6  Friday, Jan. 4 11:45 – 12:00  Out of the dark and into the light: light preference behaviors in larval zebrafish. HANEY, W.A.*; STROTHER, J.A.; Oregon State University; Oregon State University haneyw@oregonstate.edu The stress response of vertebrates can be initiated by many different environmental stimuli including extreme temperatures, noxious chemicals, mechanical disturbance, and pain. These […]

Incubation Temperature Influences Fall Frequency In Bobwhite Quail Neonates

Meeting Abstract 16-5  Friday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 11:45  Incubation Temperature Influences Fall Frequency In Bobwhite Quail Neonates BELNAP, S.C.*; LICKLITER, R.; Florida International University, Miami sbelnap@fiu.edu http://www.dpblab.com Maternal influences on offspring occur not only during egg formation, but also during prenatal development in both birds and mammals. During incubation, avian hens provide key elements essential for […]

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