Meeting Abstract 16-1 Monday, Jan. 4 10:15 Colony-specific responses to bacterial challenge in the coral Acropora millepora WRIGHT, R.M.*; KENKEL, C.D.; BAY, L.K.; MATZ, M.V.; The University of Texas at Austin; Australian Institute of Marine Science; Australian Institute of Marine Science; The University of Texas at Austin The randomness of coral disease dynamics suggests that differences […]
sessions: Session 16
Assessment of Leukocyte Mobilization in Leucoraja erinacea
Meeting Abstract 16-7 Monday, Jan. 4 11:45 Assessment of Leukocyte Mobilization in Leucoraja erinacea DIMOND, A.*; RUTH, B.; LUTTON, B.V.; Endicott college; Endicott college; Endicott college In the extensive history of bone marrow studies, understanding the mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cell activation and mobilization of immune cells into the bloodstream has been of critical interest to […]
When springs have sprung tendon recoil rates at different temperatures
Meeting Abstract 16-3 Thursday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 10:45 When springs have sprung: tendon recoil rates at different temperatures ABBOTT, EM*; AZIZI, E; ABBOTT, Emily; Univ. of California, Irvine Behaviors like chameleon tongue projection, a mantis shrimp punch, or a leaping frog are impressive examples of animal movements. These movements far exceed the mechanical power capacity […]
The springs of time-limited bullfrog jumps and slow-preparation grasshopper leaps are tuned to their muscle dynamics
Meeting Abstract 16-1 Thursday, Jan. 5 10:00 – 10:15 The springs of time-limited bullfrog jumps and slow-preparation grasshopper leaps are tuned to their muscle dynamics ROSARIO, MV*; SUTTON, GP; PATEK, SN; SAWICKI, GS; Brown University; University of Bristol; Duke University; North Carolina State University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Springs in series […]
The interaction of scale and temperature in elastically powered movements
Meeting Abstract 16-5 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15 The interaction of scale and temperature in elastically powered movements OLBERDING, JP*; DEBAN, SM; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Scale and temperature are two fundamental variables that affect organismal function, including performance of musculoskeletal systems. Many small animals use elastic recoil to effectively amplify […]
New Insights Into the Hill-type Muscle Model A Comparison Between Simulated and Directly Measured Muscle Fiber Length Changes During Jumping in Kangaroo Rats
Meeting Abstract 16-4 Thursday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00 New Insights Into the Hill-type Muscle Model: A Comparison Between Simulated and Directly Measured Muscle Fiber Length Changes During Jumping in Kangaroo Rats RANKIN, JW*; BLASDELL, K; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho; University of Idaho; University of Idaho Few mammals rely on bipedal hopping as a primary […]
Extreme power amplification in biological systems
Meeting Abstract 16-6 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30 Extreme power amplification in biological systems PATEK, S.N.*; AZIZI, M.; BHAMLA, M.S.; COX, S.; ILTON, M.; KIM, Y.; KOH, J.; KUO, J.; MA, X.; PRAKASH, M.; SUTTON, G.P.; TEMEL, Z.; Duke U.; U. CA Irvine; Stanford U.; Penn State U.; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; Harvard U.; Duke U.; […]
Extreme asymmetry in the energy transfer rate of trap-jaw ant mandibles
Meeting Abstract 16-7 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45 Extreme asymmetry in the energy transfer rate of trap-jaw ant mandibles KUO, C-Y*; RUTA, A; THOMPSON, C; PATEK, SN; Duke University; Duke University; Charles E. Jordan High School; Duke University Extremely high speeds and accelerations are achieved through power amplification: a class of mechanisms that reduce the […]
Evolution of a high performance and functionally robust musculoskeletal system
Meeting Abstract 16-8 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00 Evolution of a high performance and functionally robust musculoskeletal system DEBAN, SM*; BLOOM, SV; O’DONNELL, MK; OLBERDING, JP; STINSON, CM; SCALES, JA; Univ. South Florida, Tampa; Univ. South Florida, Tampa; Univ. South Florida, Tampa; Univ. South Florida, Tampa; Univ. South Florida, Tampa; Calif. State Univ., Stanislaus Plethodontid […]
Bending-stretching coupling in the human foot Role of the transverse arch
Meeting Abstract 16-2 Thursday, Jan. 5 10:15 – 10:30 Bending-stretching coupling in the human foot: Role of the transverse arch YAWAR, A*; KORPAS, LM; LUGO-BOLANOS, M; MANDRE, S; VENKADESAN, M; Yale University, New Haven, CT; Yale University, New Haven, CT; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI; Yale University, New Haven, CT The human foot […]