Host performance as a target of manipulation by parasites a meta-analysis

Meeting Abstract 16.6  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:30  Host performance as a target of manipulation by parasites: a meta-analysis MCELROY, EJ*; DE BURON, I; College of Charleston; College of Charleston The mechanisms underlying parasite-altered host behavior and fitness remain largely unanswered. The purpose of this review is to provide a perspective that has not been fully incorporated […]

Evolution of Trophic Morphology in Perciform Fish Skulls

Meeting Abstract 16.2  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:30  Evolution of Trophic Morphology in Perciform Fish Skulls COOPER, W J*; SMITH, A; PARSONS, K; ALBERTSON, RC; WESTNEAT, MW; Washington State University; University of Massachusetts, Amherst ; University of Glasgow; University of Massachusetts, Amherst ; University of Chicago The functional morphology of perciform fish skulls is complex and […]

Do functional demands structure the morphological diversification of turtle shells

Meeting Abstract 16.5  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:15  Do functional demands structure the morphological diversification of turtle shells? STAYTON, CT; Bucknell University Do structures that perform a large number of functions diversify more than those which perform fewer functions? There is currently no theoretical consensus on this question, and little empirical study. Classically, additional functions were thought […]

Dental divergence of nesomyine rodents from the murine developmental model

Meeting Abstract 16.4  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:00  Dental divergence of nesomyine rodents from the murine developmental model KELLER, J. S.*; JANSA, S. A.; FOX, D. L.; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota The endemic rodents of Madagascar (Nesomyidae: Nesomyinae) compose a small radiation of remarkable morphological and ecological diversity, but the tempo and […]

Crowdsourced morphometric data are as accurate as traditionally collected data in 7 ray-finned fish families

Meeting Abstract 16.3  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:45  Crowdsourced morphometric data are as accurate as traditionally collected data in 7 ray-finned fish families CHANG, J*; ALFARO, ME; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Recent advances in phylogenomics and next-generation sequencing technologies made phylogenetic inference of large radiations of organisms possible. These large […]

Whole Transcriptome Analysis of Host and Pathogen Gene Expression in White-Nose Syndrome

Meeting Abstract 16-5  Monday, Jan. 4 11:15  Whole Transcriptome Analysis of Host and Pathogen Gene Expression in White-Nose Syndrome FIELD, KA*; JOHNSON, JS; LILLEY, TM; REEDER, SM; ROGERS, EJ; BEHR, MJ; REEDER, DM; Bucknell University; Bucknell University; Bucknell University; Bucknell University; Bucknell University; University of Wisconson; Bucknell University White-nose syndrome (WNS) in North American bats […]

The Impact on Metabolism and Immune function of the Immune Response of Bats to White Nose Syndrome

Meeting Abstract 16-3  Monday, Jan. 4 10:45  The Impact on Metabolism and Immune function of the Immune Response of Bats to White Nose Syndrome RICHARDSON, C.S.*; FONTES, G.; MEWHERTER, J.; PONG, T.; SUCIU, N.; Northeastern University; Northeastern University; Lesley University; Northeastern University; Northeastern University White-nose syndrome (WNS) has decimated populations of hibernating bats in the […]

Prevalence of antibodies against Avipoxvirus, Aspergillus, and West Nile Virus in birds of prey from Central Illinois

Meeting Abstract 16-2  Monday, Jan. 4 10:30  Prevalence of antibodies against Avipoxvirus, Aspergillus, and West Nile Virus in birds of prey from Central Illinois. WILCOXEN, TE*; WROBEL, ER; SEITZ, J; NUZZO, JT; Millikin University ; University of Georgia; Illinois Raptor Center; Illinois Raptor Center There are many pathogens known to infect birds of prey, but many […]

Lymphotoxic factors produced by the frog-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

Meeting Abstract 16-6  Monday, Jan. 4 11:30  Lymphotoxic factors produced by the frog-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ROLLINS-SMITH, LA*; FITES, JS; REINERT, LK; LEE, JA; SHIAKOLAS, AR; UMILE, TP; MINBIOLE, KPC; Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Vanderbilt University school of Medicine; Vanderbilt University; Vanderbilt University; Gwynedd Mercy University; Villanova […]

Hematological and immunological characteristics of eastern hellbenders infected with endo- and ecto-parasites

Meeting Abstract 16-4  Monday, Jan. 4 11:00  Hematological and immunological characteristics of eastern hellbenders infected with endo- and ecto-parasites HOPKINS, W.A.*; FALLON, J.; BECK, M.; COE, B.H.; JACHOWSKI, C.M.B.; VA Tech; VA Tech; VA Tech; VA Tech; VA Tech Disease is among the leading causes of global amphibian population declines. In North America, parasites are […]

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