Hearing of the Yangtze finless porpoise Form and function in an ‘unrepresentative’ species

Meeting Abstract 145.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Hearing of the Yangtze finless porpoise: Form and function in an ‘unrepresentative’ species MOONEY, T.A.*; LI, S.; KETTEN, D.R.; WANG, K.; WANG, D.; Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii; Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences […]

Functional divergence Comparing opsin expression in extra-ocular tissues and eyes of the scallop (Pectinidae)

Meeting Abstract 145.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Functional divergence? Comparing opsin expression in extra-ocular tissues and eyes of the scallop (Pectinidae). KRAUSE, A/J*; SERB, J/M; Iowa State University; Iowa State University ajkrause@iastate.edu Photosensitivity plays a role in vision, entrainment of the circadian clock, and phototaxis, ultimately affecting the life history and fitness of many species. While we often […]

Effects of temperature and anesthesia on visual temporal resolution in elasmobranch fishes

Meeting Abstract 145.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Effects of temperature and anesthesia on visual temporal resolution in elasmobranch fishes BEDORE, CN*; MCCOMB, DM; FRANK, TF; HUETER, RE; KAJIURA, SM; Florida Atlantic University; Ocean Classrooms; Nova Southeastern University; Mote Marine Laboratory; Florida Atlantic University cbedore@fau.edu An organism’s ability to track moving objects, or temporal resolution, has been correlated to […]

Differential pollinator attraction and processing of flower scent by bumblebees

Meeting Abstract 145.1  Monday, Jan. 7  Differential pollinator attraction and processing of flower scent by bumblebees BYERS, K.J.; RIFFELL, J.A.*; BRADSHAW, H.D.; Univesity of Washington, Seattle; Univesity of Washington, Seattle; Univesity of Washington, Seattle jriffell@uw.edu Flowering plants attract the attention of insect pollinators using a wide variety of signals, including scent, which can recruit pollinators at a […]

Trends in Institutional Policies for WorkLife Balance at Undergraduate Institutions

Meeting Abstract 145-6  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:45 – 15:00  Trends in Institutional Policies for Work/Life Balance at Undergraduate Institutions VOLTZOW, J*; CRONIN, C; SMIEJA, J; Univ. of Scranton; Gonzaga Univ.; Gonzaga Univ. janice.voltzow@scranton.edu One of the greatest challenges for faculty is balancing a meaningful home life with the requirements of teaching, scholarship, and service. Policies concerning parental […]

Low Budget, Hands-On Labs and Activities Your Students Can Do Offline as Part of an Online Course

Meeting Abstract 145-3  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15  Low Budget, Hands-On Labs and Activities Your Students Can Do Offline as Part of an Online Course MACPHEE, LR; Northern Arizona University larry.macphee@nau.edu http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/lrm22 Computer simulations are great teaching tools, but they are often insufficient for teaching and learning concepts in the sciences. They tend to present over-simplified […]

Innovations in a Physiology Laboratory Course Combining Novel Research and Service-Learning to Address a Community-Based Problem

Meeting Abstract 145-1  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 13:45  Innovations in a Physiology Laboratory Course: Combining Novel Research and Service-Learning to Address a Community-Based Problem WOODLEY, SK*; FREEMAN, PE; RICKETTS, TD; Duquesne University; Carnegie Mellon University; Duquesne University woodleys@duq.edu Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are increasing in popularity due to the large number of students that can […]

Faculty Professional Development for Inclusive STEM Classrooms

Meeting Abstract 145-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:45 – 14:00  Faculty Professional Development for Inclusive STEM Classrooms KILLPACK, TL*; MELON, LC; Wellesley College tkillpack@wellesley.edu Private and public policies are increasingly aimed at broadening participation of a diverse body of students in higher education, and STEM in particular. As colleges and universities increase compositional diversity, they must also ensure […]

Developing Relevant Science Classes for Non-science Majors

Meeting Abstract 145-4  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:15 – 14:30  Developing Relevant Science Classes for Non-science Majors SPAIN, D.*; SULLIVAN, L.; YOUNG, A.; SPAIN, Diara; Dominican University of California; Dominican University of California; Dominican University of California diara.spain@dominican.edu A typical undergraduate student with a humanities or business major may take one or two science classes during their academic […]

Combatting Stereotype Threat in Introduction to Organismal Biology

Meeting Abstract 145-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45  Combatting Stereotype Threat in Introduction to Organismal Biology TAFT, NK; University of Wisconsin-Parkside taft@uwp.edu Stereotype threat can be defined as distress associated with the prospect of confirming a negative stereotype about a group to which one belongs. Stereotype threat is associated with lower performance in science courses in […]

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