Desert tortoises race against climate change past, present and future

Meeting Abstract 143-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45  Desert tortoises race against climate change: past, present and future MILES, DB*; SINERVO, B; HUEY, RB; MüLLER, J; LOVICH, J; MENDEZ DE LA CRUZ, F; RESENDIZ, R; ROSEN, P; Ohio University; Univ. California, Santa Cruz; Univ. Washington; Museum für Naturkunde; USGS, Southwest Biological Science Center; Universidad Nacional Autonoma […]

Community responses to an experimental mass mortality event and the role of vertebrate scavengers

Meeting Abstract 143-3  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15  Community responses to an experimental mass mortality event and the role of vertebrate scavengers LASHLEY, MA*; BARTON, BT; JORDAN, HR; TOMBERLIN, JK; Mississippi State University; Mississippi State University; Mississippi State University; Texas A&M University Mass mortality events (MMEs), in which large numbers of animals die in a […]

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