Ciliary Urns Development and Morphology in Synaptula hydriformis

Meeting Abstract 141-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45  Ciliary Urns: Development and Morphology in Synaptula hydriformis CURTIS, MD*; TURNER, RL; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne Ciliary urns are cornucopia-shaped coelomic organs known in no other sea cucumbers (holothuroids) except those of the suborder Synaptina (order Apoda). The excretory ability of […]

The Importance of Body Size in Diving Mammals Small Marine Mammals Compensate

Meeting Abstract 141-7  Sunday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  The Importance of Body Size in Diving Mammals: Small Marine Mammals Compensate COSTA, D. P.*; HUCKSTADT, L. A.; VILLEGAS-AMTMANN, S.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz The aerobic dive limit (ADL) an important determinant of diving ability […]

Physiological Adaptations for Diving in the Bearded Seal

Meeting Abstract 141-6  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Physiological Adaptations for Diving in the Bearded Seal THOMETZ, N.M.*; REICHMUTH, C.; University of San Francisco ; University of California, Santa Cruz The bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) is a circumpolar Arctic marine mammal that forages beneath broken, moving pack-ice. Within this dynamic system, seals use sea ice […]

Internal Source of Metabolic Substrates Used for Reproduction Varies Based on Female Hydration State Muscle as an Internal Water Depot

Meeting Abstract 141-3  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Internal Source of Metabolic Substrates Used for Reproduction Varies Based on Female Hydration State: Muscle as an Internal Water Depot. BRUSCH IV, GA*; KAMINSKY, B; LOURDAIS, O; DENARDO, DF; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, France; Arizona State University Water is […]

Evidence of High Transport and Phosphorylation Capacity for Both Glucose and Fructose in the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)

Meeting Abstract 141-2  Sunday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Evidence of High Transport and Phosphorylation Capacity for Both Glucose and Fructose in the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) MYRKA, AM; WELCH JR., KC*; University of Toronto Scarborough; University of Toronto Scarborough Hummingbirds are able to fuel hovering flight entirely with recently ingested glucose or fructose. Among […]

Dietary Unsaturated Fatty Acids Affect Oxygen Delivery System In Migratory Birds

Meeting Abstract 141-4  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Dietary Unsaturated Fatty Acids Affect Oxygen Delivery System In Migratory Birds BRYLA, A*; DZIALO, M; DEMORANVILE, K; SADOWSKA, ET; TROST, L; PIERCE, BJ; MCWILLIAMS, SR; BAUCHINGER, U; Jagiellonian University; Jagiellonian University; University of Rhode Island; Jagiellonian University; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Sacred Heart University; University of Rhode […]

Dehydration-Induced Phenotypic Shifts in Mosquitoes Increase Blood Feeding

Meeting Abstract 141-5  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Dehydration-Induced Phenotypic Shifts in Mosquitoes Increase Blood Feeding HAGAN, R. H.; SZUTER , E. M.; ROSSELOT, A. E.; HOLMES , C. J.; SILER , S. C.; ROSENDALE , A. J.; JENNINGS, E. C.; XIAO, Y.; WATANABE, M.; ROMICK-ROSENDALE, L. E.; RASGON, J. L.; BENOIT, J. B.*; University of […]

Blood Feeding Increases Body Temperature and Running Speed in the Insect Rhodnius prolixus

Meeting Abstract 141-8  Sunday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30  Blood Feeding Increases Body Temperature and Running Speed in the Insect Rhodnius prolixus LOUDON, C*; BRADLEY, TJ; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine The body temperature of small ectotherms such as insects is determined passively through interactions with their thermal environment as well as more […]

Working Smart not Hard Loss of Active Feeding Behavior in the Commensal Sea Turtle Barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria

Meeting Abstract 141-4  Monday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Working Smart not Hard: Loss of Active Feeding Behavior in the Commensal Sea Turtle Barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria LANE, Z/M*; ZARDUS, J/D; MCELROY, E/J; KENDRICK, M/R; MORTON, S/L; College of Charleston, Charleston, SC; The Citadel, Charleston, SC; College of Charleston, Charleston, SC; SCDNR; NOAA Barnacles are sessile suspension […]

The making of a locust a closer look at reaction norm evolution

Meeting Abstract 141-7  Monday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  The making of a locust: a closer look at reaction norm evolution SONG, H; Texas A&M University, College Station Locusts are grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae (Insecta: Orthoptera) that can form dense migrating swarms through an extreme form of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity, in which cryptically […]

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