UV Tolerance in the Portuguese Man of War (Physalia physalis)

Meeting Abstract 140-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  UV Tolerance in the Portuguese Man of War (Physalia physalis) LEWIS, ZR*; DUNN, CW; Yale University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Yale University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology zrlewis@gmail.com http://lewis.science The Portuguese Man of War (Physalia physalis) is a cnidarian that lives at the surface of […]

Things cells do

Meeting Abstract 140-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Things cells do BABONIS, LS*; RYAN, JF; MARTINDALE, MQ; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, Univ of Florida, St. Augustine, FL ; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, Univ of Florida, St. Augustine, FL; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, Univ of Florida, St. Augustine, FL babonis@whitney.ufl.edu The concept of homology […]

The Genomics of Hydractinia Understanding Regeneration, Allorecognition, and Stem Cell Biology

Meeting Abstract 140-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  The Genomics of Hydractinia: Understanding Regeneration, Allorecognition, and Stem Cell Biology SCHNITZLER, CE; NGUYEN, AD; KOREN, S; BARREIRA, SN; GONZALEZ, P; CHANG, ES; PHILLIPPY, A; MULLIKIN, JC; CARTWRIGHT, P; NICOTRA, ML; FRANK, U; BAXEVANIS, AD*; U. Florida; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; U. Kansas; U. Pittsburgh; […]

Single Cell Assembly of a Chemical Key Innovation in a Rove Beetle

Meeting Abstract 140-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Single Cell Assembly of a Chemical Key Innovation in a Rove Beetle BRUECKNER, A*; PARKER, J; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA bruckner@caltech.edu https://www.beetles.caltech.edu/adrian Evolutionary novelty can arise from the emergence of new cell types with new biological functions. How new cell […]

Evolution of Genome 3D organisation in Metazoa

Meeting Abstract 140-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Evolution of Genome 3D organisation in Metazoa KOLCHENKO, S*; ABDENNUR, N; LOE-MIE, Y; PLESSIER, F; SAUDEMONT, B; FRINTZENWANKER , J; LOWE, C; MIRNY, L; SPITZ, F; MARLOW, H; The University of Chicago and Institut Pasteur; MIT; Institut Pasteur; The University of Chicago and Institut Pasteur; Institut Pasteur; Stanford […]

Cross-species mapping of cell type atlases identifies conservation and divergence in planarian and parasitic flatworms

Meeting Abstract 140-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Cross-species mapping of cell type atlases identifies conservation and divergence in planarian and parasitic flatworms TARASHANSKY, AJ; LI, P; XUE, Y; QUAKE, SR; WANG, B*; Stanford University wangbo@stanford.edu https://wanglab.stanford.edu/ Although all animals can heal wounds, only some are capable of regenerating from major tissue losses. Little is known […]

Comparative Lens Proteomics Across Aves

Meeting Abstract 140-8  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30  Comparative Lens Proteomics Across Aves O’CONNELL, J; SHAMBLE, P; KOENIG, K*; Standford University; Harvard University; Harvard University kmkoenig@fas.harvard.edu https://www.koenig-lab.com The proteins in the lens that contribute to transparency and light refraction are crystallins. These proteins have an interesting and complicated evolutionary history with surprising diversity across closely related […]

A Multi-omic Approach to Evaluate Environmental Influence and Population Dynamics of Venom Production in Nematostella vectensis

Meeting Abstract 140-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  A Multi-omic Approach to Evaluate Environmental Influence and Population Dynamics of Venom Production in Nematostella vectensis MACRANDER, J*; SACHKOVA, M; SURM, J; LEACH, W; KETCHUM, R; REITZEL, A; MORAN, Y; Florida Southern College; University of Bergen; Hebrew University of Jerusalem; University of North Carolina at Charlotte; University of […]

The survival cost of reproductive investment higher fattening rates lead to increased risk of mortality to a novel disease

Meeting Abstract 140.4  Monday, Jan. 7  The survival cost of reproductive investment: higher fattening rates lead to increased risk of mortality to a novel disease HENNIN, H.L.*; DESCAMPS, S.; FORBES, M.R.; GILCHRIST, H.G.; BÊTY, J.; SOOS, C.; LOVE, O.P.; University of Windsor, ON; Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON; Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON; Université du […]

The effect of food availability on the seasonal reproductive development of birds

Meeting Abstract 140.3  Monday, Jan. 7  The effect of food availability on the seasonal reproductive development of birds DAVIES, S*; DEVICHE, P; Arizona State University; Arizona State University scott.davies@asu.edu Birds use food availability to synchronize seasonal reproductive activity with local environmental conditions, but the mechanism(s) by which this cue affects the hypothalamus‐pituitary‐gonadal (HPG) axis remain(s) poorly understood. […]

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