Resistance and Repair of Mechanical Fatigue in Mussel Shells

Meeting Abstract 14-2  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:15 – 10:30  Resistance and Repair of Mechanical Fatigue in Mussel Shells CRANE, RL*; DENNY, MW; Stanford University, CA; Stanford University, CA Like other rigid armors, bivalve shells protect from potentially lethal predatory and environmental threats that range in frequency and magnitude from single powerful predator strikes to repeated insults […]

How informative is joint mobility A 3-D analysis of potential versus realized joint poses in archosaurs

Meeting Abstract 14-1  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:00 – 10:15  How informative is joint mobility? A 3-D analysis of potential versus realized joint poses in archosaurs MANAFZADEH, AR*; KAMBIC, RE; GATESY, SM; Brown Univ.; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Brown Univ. Paleontologists have traditionally reconstructed the locomotion of dinosaurs and other extinct animals by manipulating their fossil bones […]

From Feast Mode to Least Mode How Lunge Filter Feeding Biomechanics Constrain Rorqual Foraging Ecology Across Scale

Meeting Abstract 14-3  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 10:45  From Feast Mode to Least Mode: How Lunge Filter Feeding Biomechanics Constrain Rorqual Foraging Ecology Across Scale KAHANE-RAPPORT, SR*; SAVOCA, MS; CADE, DE; SEGRE, PS; BIERLICH, KC; CALAMBOKIDIS, J; FRIEDLAENDER, AS; JOHNSTON, DW; WERTH, AJ; GOLDBOGEN, JA; Stanford University ; Stanford University ; Stanford University ; Stanford University […]

A power amplification dyad in Syngnathidae

Meeting Abstract 14-4  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:45 – 11:00  A power amplification dyad in Syngnathidae JACOBS, C*; DAY, S; HOLZMAN, R; Tel Aviv University; Rochester Institute of Technology; Tel Aviv University Suction feeding is the most common prey capture strategy across teleosts. However, the intensity of the suction flow is constrained by the fish’s ability to […]

Thyroid and prolactin hormones in metamorphic and paedomorphic species of ambystomatid salamanders

GRINDSTAFF, R.D.*; PYLES, R.A.: Thyroid and prolactin hormones in metamorphic and paedomorphic species of ambystomatid salamanders The endocrine control of metamorphosis, long identified with circulating levels of thyroid hormone and prolactin, has been studied almost exclusively in anurans with little research on hormonal control of metamorphosis among urodeles. Comparisons of hormone levels in metamorphic and […]

Thyroid Function in Herring Gulls from PCB-contaminated Great Lakes sites

McNABB, F.M.A.*; FOWLER, L.A.; PARSONS, C.M.; GRASMAN, K.A.; FOX, G.A.: Thyroid Function in Herring Gulls from PCB-contaminated Great Lakes sites. We have investigated thyroid function in pipped embryos and prefledglings of herring gulls sampled in 1998 and 1999 at several Great Lakes sites with different amounts of PCB contamination and have compared them with gulls […]

Ontogeny of UDP-GT activity in Japanese quail and effects of PCB 126 on UDP-GT activity in chicken embryos

MCCLEARY, R.J.R.*; MCFARLAND, E.C.; GRASMAN, K.A.; MCNABB, F.M.A.: Ontogeny of UDP-GT activity in Japanese quail and effects of PCB 126 on UDP-GT activity in chicken embryos. Uridinediphosphate-glucuronosyltransferases (UDP-GTs) are important phase II liver biotransformation enzymes responsible for conjugation of many endogenous and exogenous substances in vertebrates. Induction of UDP-GTs has been shown in birds exposed […]

Cloning of a proopiomelanocortin cDNA from the pituitary of the urodele amphibian, Aphiuma means

COSTANTIO,D.*; KOZAK, K.; LECAUDE, S.; ALRUBAIAN, J.; DORES, R.M.: Cloning of a proopiomelanocortin cDNA from the pituitary of the urodele amphibian, Aphiuma means. The proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene has been cloned from several anuran amphibians, however, the organization of this prohormone-coding gene had not been analyzed in a urodele amphibian. A degenerate primer was used to […]

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