Fluid transport and mixing in tubular insect hearts

Meeting Abstract 139-5  Monday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Fluid transport and mixing in tubular insect hearts MILLER, L. A.*; BATTISTA, N.; OZALP, K.; University of North Carolina; College of New Jersey; University of North Carolina lam9@unc.edu http://miller.web.unc.edu Valveless, tubular pumps are widespread in the animal kingdom. For example, insect hearts are typically long narrow tubes that […]

Distributed control of ventilation by honeybee-inspired robots

Meeting Abstract 139-6  Monday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Distributed control of ventilation by honeybee-inspired robots PETERS, JM*; MAHADEVAN, L; Harvard University; Harvard University jcbptrs@gmail.com https://www.jacobmpeters.com/ Honeybees actively ventilate their nests by flapping their wings at the entrance of the hive in response to high air temperatures. Individual bees respond only to local temperatures but collectively they […]

A Tesla Valve in a Turtle Lung

Meeting Abstract 139-7  Monday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  A Tesla Valve in a Turtle Lung FARMER, CG*; CIERI, RL; PEI, S; University of Utah/Trinity College Dublin; University of Utah; University of Utah cg.frmr@gmail.com We have known for a long time that the lungs of birds contain aerodynamic valves and one way airflow through most of their […]

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