Meeting Abstract 138-4 Monday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30 Measurement of Flexural Stiffness of Hummingbirds’ Feathers and Its Aerodynamic Effect in Hovering TANAKA, H*; KAWAHARA, A; AIZAWA, M; YAMASAKI, T; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Hovering hummingbirds generate aerodynamic lift during both downstroke and […]
sessions: Session 138
Energy Saving Flight Strategies of Urban Gulls
Meeting Abstract 138-5 Monday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45 Energy Saving Flight Strategies of Urban Gulls WILLIAMSON, CJ*; SPELT, A; WINDSOR, SP; University of Bristol, UK; University of Bristol, UK; University of Bristol, UK The city is a complex environment to navigate as a bird; the wind interacts with buildings and other urban infrastructure to […]
Dark or Bright for a Faster Flight The Thermal Impacts of Wing Coloration on Flight Performance
Meeting Abstract 138-6 Monday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00 Dark or Bright for a Faster Flight? The Thermal Impacts of Wing Coloration on Flight Performance ROGALLA, S*; SHAWKEY, MD; D’ALBA, L; Ghent University; Ghent University; Ghent University Flight performance is a critical aspect of avian biology. However, few studies have yet addressed the impacts of wing […]
Avian locomotion strategies during arboreal foraging
Meeting Abstract 138-7 Monday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15 Avian locomotion strategies during arboreal foraging CHIN, DD*; LENTINK, D; Stanford University; Stanford University Arboreal birds frequently hop and fly among tree branches to search for food. In the process, they must maneuver around intervening leaves or branches that obstruct flight paths between reliable perches. To understand […]