Meeting Abstract 137-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45 Why morphology matters for management: the role of organismal form and function in wildlife conservation and management SUSTAITA, D*; FARABAUGH, S/M; BARTHMAN-THOMPSON, L; Department of Biological Sciences, California State University San Marcos; Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global; Suisun Marsh Unit, California Department of Fish and […]
sessions: Session 137
Responses of Juvenile Eastern Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) to Own, Littermate, and Control Chemicals
Meeting Abstract 137-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45 Responses of Juvenile Eastern Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) to Own, Littermate, and Control Chemicals PEPPER, H E*; PARTIN, A M; JENKINS, M S; ROWLAND, J F; BURGHARDT, G M; University of Tennessee, Knoxville Chemical cues and signals are essential components of numerous behaviors among squamate reptiles, especially […]
Refuge Populations as Research Populations Morphology, Reproduction and Ecology in a Captive Population of Devils Hole Pupfish
Meeting Abstract 137-3 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15 Refuge Populations as Research Populations: Morphology, Reproduction and Ecology in a Captive Population of Devils Hole Pupfish GUMM, JM*; STANTON, M; FEUERBACHER, OG; Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, USFWS; Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, USFWS; Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, USFWS Captive populations are critical to the […]
Linking Effects of Acid Mine Drainage to Ecology and Morphology of Riparian Birds
Meeting Abstract 137-2 Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00 Linking Effects of Acid Mine Drainage to Ecology and Morphology of Riparian Birds CORBIN, CE*; ROPER, VG; Bloomsburg University Acid mine drainage (AMD) constrains within-stream trophic linkages and has negative effects on freshwater ecosystems. The extent to which AMD affects higher trophic levels in riparian ecosystems is […]
Implications of muscle performance on the management of recreationally and commercially important fishes
Meeting Abstract 137-4 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30 Implications of muscle performance on the management of recreationally and commercially important fishes. MORAN, C J*; HUDSON, D; GERRY, S P; The Citadel; Maritime Aquarium; Fairfield University Many fisheries in the Northeastern United states are seasonal as cooling temperatures in the fall trigger many species to migrate […]
Functional Ecomorphology in the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin); the Effect of Head-starting on Morphology and Bite Force
Meeting Abstract 137-6 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00 Functional Ecomorphology in the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin); the Effect of Head-starting on Morphology and Bite Force REISENFELD, K*; MCELROY, E; ROOSENBURG, W; The College of Charleston ; The College of Charleston ; Ohio University Head-starting describes the captive rearing and care of animals through their juvenile […]
The feeding apparatus of first feeding European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae a functional morphological approach
Meeting Abstract 137.1 Monday, Jan. 7 The feeding apparatus of first feeding European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae: a functional morphological approach BOUILLIART, M.*; TOMKIEWICZ, J.; LAUESEN, P.; ADRIAENS, D.; Ghent University, Belgium; Denmark Technical University Aqua, Charlottenlund; Billund Aquakultur, Denmark; Ghent University, Belgium The European eel (Anguilla anguilla Linnaeus 1758; Actinopterygii, Anguillidae) is faced with a […]
The crucial effect of hydrodynamics on feeding efficiency during the “critical period” of fish larvae
Meeting Abstract 137.2 Monday, Jan. 7 The crucial effect of hydrodynamics on feeding efficiency during the “critical period” of fish larvae. CHINA, V*; HOLZMAN, R; Tel Aviv University; The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat Survival of the larval stage of marine fishes has far-reaching consequences in determining their rates of settlement, population size and […]
Importance of the calcareous eggshell to normal skeletal development in the American alligator
Meeting Abstract 137.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Importance of the calcareous eggshell to normal skeletal development in the American alligator MEMBRENO, N.A.*; ELSEY, R.M.; OWERKOWICZ, T.; California State University, San Bernardino; Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries, Grand Chenier; California State University, San Bernardino During development, oviparous reptiles rely on both yolk and eggshell […]
Growing Fast and Dying Young Influence of Forage Quality on Growth and Survival of Arctic Avian Herbivores
Meeting Abstract 137.5 Monday, Jan. 7 Growing Fast and Dying Young: Influence of Forage Quality on Growth and Survival of Arctic Avian Herbivores RICHMAN, S.E.*; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; LEAFLOOR, J.O.; KARASOV, W.H.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; Environment Canada, Winnipeg, MB; University of Wisconsin-Madison Keystone herbivores such as geese in Arctic ecosystems are highly […]