Meeting Abstract 136.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Establishing the neotype of the enigmatic oceanic box jellyfish Alatina alata (Reynaud 1830) (Cnidaria: Cubozoa). LEWIS AMES, C*; YANAGIHARA, AA; KEIL, D; LAWLEY, JW; VAN BLERK, J; GILLAN, B; BENTLAGE, B; BELY, A; COLLINS, AG; University of Maryland, College Park/Smithsonian NMNH; Pacific Biosciences Research Center, HI; University of Maryland, College Park; […]
sessions: Session 136
Biodiversity of nemertean larval forms in NE Pacific
Meeting Abstract 136.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Biodiversity of nemertean larval forms in NE Pacific MASLAKOVA, SA*; VON DASSOW, G; HIEBERT, LS; HIEBERT, TH; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Univ. of Oregon Planktonic larvae of many marine invertebrates look nothing like their benthic adults, and the problem of matching the two life-history stages is as old as […]
Assessing Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) as Biodiversity Monitors
Meeting Abstract 136.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Assessing Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) as Biodiversity Monitors KUWAHARA, A*; MEYER, C; COLLINS, A; Humboldt State University; Smithsonian Institution; NOAA/NMFS Smithsonian Institution Assessing Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) as Biodiversity Monitors Akela Kuwahara1,2, Allen Collins2 and Chris Meyer21Humbolt State University 2NMNH-IZ, Smithsonian Institution, USA Due to the complexity of […]
Wasp waist a tail of abdominal flexion, sensing, actuation, and flight control
Meeting Abstract 136-8 Sunday, Jan. 8 15:15 – 15:30 Wasp waist: a tail of abdominal flexion, sensing, actuation, and flight control BUSTAMANTE, J*; JANKAUSKI, M; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington Recent research suggests that abdominal actuation during insect flight may contribute to control and stability via inertial redirection of flight forces. All hymenoptera within the suborder […]
Sparse sensing by arrays of wing mechanosensors for insect flight control
Meeting Abstract 136-7 Sunday, Jan. 8 15:00 – 15:15 Sparse sensing by arrays of wing mechanosensors for insect flight control MOHREN, TL*; CALLAHAM, J; PRATT, BD; BRUNTON, BW; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington; University of Massachusetts, University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington Compared to even the best engineered systems, insects […]
Robustness Via Redundancy Multisensory Control of Flight in Hawkmoths
Meeting Abstract 136-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:15 – 14:30 Robustness Via Redundancy: Multisensory Control of Flight in Hawkmoths ROTH, E*; SPONBERG, S; DANIEL, T; Univ. of Washington; Georgia Tech; Univ. of Washington Animals rely on information pooled across multiple sensory modalities to control locomotion. In effect, sensory feedback in behavior comprises numerous parallel feedback loops, collectively […]
Flight Control Compensation to Changing Body Mass in Feeding Hawkmoths
Meeting Abstract 136-5 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45 Flight Control Compensation to Changing Body Mass in Feeding Hawkmoths CHANDLER, S*; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Motor control of animals has been shown to be quite robust to mechanical and environmental variation. In studying motor control, tracking behaviors have revealed […]
Dynamic Morphology in Honeybee Swarms
Meeting Abstract 136-6 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:45 – 15:00 Dynamic Morphology in Honeybee Swarms PELEG, O*; PETERS, J; SALCEDO, M/K; MAHADEVAN , L; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Honeybee colonies often form swarms [1] wherein the queen and workers bees (on average ~10,000 bees) may gather in a tree or on a […]
Drosophila haltere steering muscles are active during voluntary maneuvers and are directionally tuned
Meeting Abstract 136-3 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15 Drosophila haltere steering muscles are active during voluntary maneuvers and are directionally tuned. DICKERSON, BH*; DICKINSON, MH; California Institute of Technology; California Institute of Technology As flies navigate their environment in search of food or mates, they execute sharp turns known as saccades that occur faster […]
Direct perturbation on humans performing sit-to-stand motion reveals corrective feedback control strategy
Meeting Abstract 136-1 Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 13:45 Direct perturbation on humans performing sit-to-stand motion reveals corrective feedback control strategy HOLMES, PD*; SHIA, V; MOORE, TY; VASUDEVAN, R; Univ. of Michigan; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Michigan; Univ. of Michigan Animals use feedback to correct for deviations from an ideal motion to improve their […]