Varied tooth plate shape, varied diet Morphology of Spotted Ratfish Tooth Plates

Meeting Abstract 135-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Varied tooth plate shape, varied diet: Morphology of Spotted Ratfish Tooth Plates HERBERT, AM*; WILGA, CD; University of Alaska Anchorage; University of Alaska Anchorage Teeth are a critical aspect of feeding in most vertebrates and vary greatly in shape and size among taxa. A tooth can perform […]

The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Morphological Differentiation Between Watersnake Populations

Meeting Abstract 135-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Morphological Differentiation Between Watersnake Populations CLIFTON, IT*; CHAMBERLAIN, JD; GIFFORD, ME; University of Toledo; Southern Arkansas University; University of Central Arkansas An individual’s morphology is shaped by the environmental pressures it experiences, and the resulting morphological response is the culmination […]

Shell remodeling may circumvent limits to phenotypic plasticity in the marine gastropod, Nucella lamellosa

Meeting Abstract 135-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Shell remodeling may circumvent limits to phenotypic plasticity in the marine gastropod, Nucella lamellosa CHARIFSON, DM*; BOURDEAU, PE; PADILLA, DK; Stony Brook University; Humboldt State University; Stony Brook University The adaptive value of phenotypic plasticity can be limited by several factors, such as the epi-phenotype limit, which […]

Morphological divergence of a stream fish in altered flow teasing apart the influences of natural selection and plastic response on body shape

Meeting Abstract 135-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Morphological divergence of a stream fish in altered flow: teasing apart the influences of natural selection and plastic response on body shape AKIN, DR*; GEHEBER, AD; Auburn University; University of Central Missouri Cyprinella lutrensis is historically a stream dwelling minnow species (Family Cyprinidae) native to Missouri. Now, […]

Inducible morphology reveals adult dispersal between habitats

Meeting Abstract 135-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Inducible morphology reveals adult dispersal between habitats SEROY, SK*; GRUNBAUM, D; PADILLA, DK; University of Washington; University of Washington; Stony Brook University The marine snail, Lacuna vincta, is an ecologically dominant grazer in kelp and eelgrass habitats. L. vincta exhibits inducible radula morphology dependent on current habitat, […]

Increased Swimming Speed Induces Differential Bone Remodeling in Zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 135-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Increased Swimming Speed Induces Differential Bone Remodeling in Zebrafish GEORGADARELLIS, GL*; JIMÉNEZ, JM; ALBERTSON, RC; University of Massachusetts, Amherst To better understand how dynamic loading plays a role in zebrafish (Danio rerio) bone development and growth, we have designed, built, and characterized a water tunnel. Boundary layer […]

Bone Remodeling and Cyclical Loading in the Maxilla of White Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Meeting Abstract 135-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Bone Remodeling and Cyclical Loading in the Maxilla of White Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) LAD, SE*; CORTESE, SA; DANISON, AD; RAVOSA, MJ; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; College of Wooster, Wooster, OH; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN […]

The origin and loss of periodic patterning in the turtle shell

Meeting Abstract 135.1  Monday, Jan. 7  The origin and loss of periodic patterning in the turtle shell MOUSTAKAS-VERHO, JE*; ZIMM, R; CEBRA-THOMAS, J; SEPPäLä, NK; KALLONEN, A; MITCHELL, KL; HäMäLäINEN, K; SALAZAR-CIUDAD, I; JERNVALL, J; GILBERT, SF; Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki; Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki; Biology Department, Millersville University; Institute of Biotechnology, University […]

Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis as a model system for the evolution of odontogenesis

Meeting Abstract 135.5  Monday, Jan. 7  Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis as a model system for the evolution of odontogenesis GRIECO, TM; University of California, Berkeley The highly conserved developmental mechanisms of odontogenesis illuminate the ways in which vertebrates have created highly adaptive and morphologically variable phenotypes from similar genetic underpinnings. The frog model Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis, with […]

Planar polarity controls cartilage morphogenesis during vertebrate jaw development

Meeting Abstract 135.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Planar polarity controls cartilage morphogenesis during vertebrate jaw development LE PABIC, P*; NG, CL; SCHILLING, TF; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine Little is known about the mechanisms of cell-cell communication necessary to assemble skeletal elements of appropriate size and shape. Skeletal progenitors may […]

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