Fluke Flexibility during Propulsion in Neonate and Adult Humpback Whales

Meeting Abstract 134-7  Sunday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Fluke Flexibility during Propulsion in Neonate and Adult Humpback Whales FISH, FE*; MUTHUKRISHNAN, R; HAUSER, N; West Chester Univ., PA; West Chester Univ., PA; Whale Research Centre, Cook Islands ffish@wcupa.edu Oscillation of the flukes is the primary mechanism of propulsion by cetaceans. The flukes are composed of collagen […]

Evolution of Swimming in Tree Frogs

Meeting Abstract 134-5  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Evolution of Swimming in Tree Frogs CAVIEDES-SOLIS, IW*; LEACHE, AD; University of Washington; University of Washington itzuecs@uw.edu http://www.itzuecs.com Neotropical tree frogs of the subfamily Hylinae have three main locomotion modes with a direct impact on species fitness; they jump, swim and climb. Convergences in morphotype and locomotion are […]

Ecological Limits and Locomotor Advantages Associated with Gigantism in Polar Sea Spiders

Meeting Abstract 134-4  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Ecological Limits and Locomotor Advantages Associated with Gigantism in Polar Sea Spiders TOBALSKE, BW*; LANE, SJ; WOODS, HA; SHISHIDO, CM; MORAN, AL; Univ. Montana; Univ. Montana; Univ. Montana; Univ. Hawai‘i, Mānoa; Univ. Hawai‘i, Mānoa bret.tobalske@mso.umt.edu Sea spiders vary over five orders of magnitude in body size; temperate species […]

Variation in the ability to use CAM in a C3-CAM hybrid Yucca

Meeting Abstract 134-8  Monday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30  Variation in the ability to use CAM in a C3-CAM hybrid Yucca HEYDUK, K*; RAY, JN; CUMMINGS, A; LEEBENS-MACK, J; Yale University; University of Georgia; University of Georgia; University of Georgia karolina.heyduk@yale.edu Photosynthetic organisms are the foundation of ecosystems across the globe, yet the photosynthetic pathway is highly […]

Spatial Variation in Ecological Divergence in a Widespread Polymorphic Salamander

Meeting Abstract 134-1  Monday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Spatial Variation in Ecological Divergence in a Widespread Polymorphic Salamander HANTAK, MM*; KUCHTA , SR; Ohio University ; Ohio University mh433113@ohio.edu An open question in color polymorphic species is why morph frequencies are variable among populations. Little work has been done to examine geographic patterns in polymorphisms, with […]

Population Demographics of an Invasive Lizard Following Experimental Introduction on Small Islands

Meeting Abstract 134-3  Monday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Population Demographics of an Invasive Lizard Following Experimental Introduction on Small Islands FARGEVIEILLE, A*; REEDY, A M; MITCHELL, T S; DURSO, A M; DELANEY, D M; PEARSON, P R; WARNER, D A; Auburn University, Auburn; University of Virginia; Auburn University Auburn/ University of Alabama, Birmingham; Utah State University, […]

Natural Selection on Morphology in a Tropical Lizard After a Rapid Shift in Habitat Structure

Meeting Abstract 134-2  Monday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Natural Selection on Morphology in a Tropical Lizard After a Rapid Shift in Habitat Structure NICHOLSON, DJ*; LOGAN, ML; COX, C; CHUNG, A; DEGON, Z; DUBOIS, M; NEEL, L; CURLIS, JD; MCMILLAN, WO; GARNER, T; KNELL, RJ; Queen Mary University London; Zoological Society of London; Smithsonian Tropical Research […]

Inheritance, Hormonal Drivers and Fitness Implications of Female Ornamentation in Fence Lizards

Meeting Abstract 134-5  Monday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Inheritance, Hormonal Drivers and Fitness Implications of Female Ornamentation in Fence Lizards ASSIS, BA*; AVERY, JD; TYLAN, C; EARLEY, RL; LANGKILDE, T; Penn State; Penn State; Penn State; University of Alabama; Penn State bmd5458@psu.edu Flashy secondary sexual traits are uncommon in females of species with traditional sex roles. […]

Individual-level performance trade-offs in male and female Anolis carolinensis lizards

Meeting Abstract 134-7  Monday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Individual-level performance trade-offs in male and female Anolis carolinensis lizards CESPEDES, AM*; HOUSLAY, TM ; LAILVAUX, SP; University of New Orleans; University of Cambridge; University of New Orleans anniecespedes@gmail.com The ecological requirement for performing multiple whole-organism performance tasks places conflicting demands on organismal morphology and physiology. These functional […]

Heritability of telomere length in nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster)

Meeting Abstract 134-4  Monday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Heritability of telomere length in nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) LEVIN, II*; HUND, AK; IBRAHIM, AI; STEPHENS, JQ; WICKER, VV; TSUNEKAGE, T; MCCAHILL, K; SAFRAN, RJ; Agnes Scott College; University of Colorado – Boulder; Agnes Scott College; Agnes Scott College; Agnes Scott College; Agnes Scott College; University […]

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