Repeated exposure to food limitation earlier in life enables rats to spare lipid stores during prolonged starvation

Meeting Abstract 134-3  Sunday, Jan. 8 10:45 – 11:00  Repeated exposure to food limitation earlier in life enables rats to spare lipid stores during prolonged starvation MCCUE, M/D*; SALAZAR, G; ALBACH, A; St. Mary’s Univ The risks of food limitation and ultimately starvation date back to the dawn of heterotrophy; yet, starvation remains a major factor […]

Metabolic scaling of individuals vs populations experimental evidence for variation in scaling exponents at different community levels

Meeting Abstract 134-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 11:15 – 11:30  Metabolic scaling of individuals vs. populations: experimental evidence for variation in scaling exponents at different community levels NORIN, T*; GAMPERL, A.K.; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada The power scaling of metabolic rate with body mass is fundamental to animal biology, due to […]

From Blushing Beroids to Tenacious Tentaculata New Evidence of Tyrosine Metabolites in Ctenophores and Their Functional Implications

Meeting Abstract 134-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 10:30 – 10:45  From Blushing Beroids to Tenacious Tentaculata: New Evidence of Tyrosine Metabolites in Ctenophores and Their Functional Implications TOWNSEND, JP*; SWEENEY, AM; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania Ctenophores have taken on new importance in revealing animal origins with modern work showing their position near the root […]

Energy Budgeting in a Temperate Hummingbird

Meeting Abstract 134-1  Sunday, Jan. 8 10:15 – 10:30  Energy Budgeting in a Temperate Hummingbird SHANKAR, A*; CANEPA, JR; GRAHAM, CH; WETHINGTON, SM; POWERS, DR; Stony Brook University; George Fox University; George Fox University; Hummingbird Monitoring Network; Stony Brook University; WSL Zurich Warming climates will likely cause organisms to adjust their energy budgets to accommodate […]

Effects of dormancy and temperature on metabolic parameters in Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus Does immune state match metabolic rate

Meeting Abstract 134-7  Sunday, Jan. 8 11:45 – 12:00  Effects of dormancy and temperature on metabolic parameters in Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus: Does immune state match metabolic rate? GOESSLING, JM; MENDONCA, MT*; APPEL, AG; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University Because energy is the basic unit of physiological processes, understanding differences in energy usage may offer […]

The role of flippers, flukes, and body flexibility in blue whale maneuvering performance

Meeting Abstract 134-6  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  The role of flippers, flukes, and body flexibility in blue whale maneuvering performance. SEGRE, PS*; CADE, DE; CALAMBOKIDIS, J; FISH, FE; FRIEDLAENDER, AS; POTVIN, J; GOLDBOGEN, JA; Stanford University; Stanford University; Cascadia Research Collective; West Chester University; University of California, Santa Cruz; Saint Louis University; Stanford University […]

The relationship of vertebral column morphology to body mechanics and 3D kinematics of elongate fishes

Meeting Abstract 134-2  Sunday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  The relationship of vertebral column morphology to body mechanics and 3D kinematics of elongate fishes. DONATELLI, CM*; PORTER, ME; SUMMERS, AP; TYTELL, ED; Tufts University; Florida Atlantic University; University of Washington; Tufts University The elongate fish body form and anguilliform swimming mode evolved many times across taxa, […]

Median Fin Function in Juvenile Pallid Sturgeon

Meeting Abstract 134-8  Sunday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30  Median Fin Function in Juvenile Pallid Sturgeon MAIA, A*; HELLWIG, M; Eastern Illinois University; University of Rhode Island Fin evolution has allowed for the diversification of fish morphology and subsequent exploration of new habitats. Basal bony fishes have elongated body shapes where paired fins contribute little […]

Individual zooid kinematics underlying agility and maneuverability in the siphonophore Nanomia bijuga

Meeting Abstract 134-1  Sunday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Individual zooid kinematics underlying agility and maneuverability in the siphonophore Nanomia bijuga SUTHERLAND, KR*; GEMMELL, BJ; COLIN, SP; COSTELLO, JH; University of Oregon; University of South Florida; Marine Biological Laboratory/ Roger Williams University; Marine Biological Laboratory/ Providence College Siphonophores and salps are colonial marine organisms comprising […]

How flowing water influences hydrodynamic stability in turtles

Meeting Abstract 134-3  Sunday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  How flowing water influences hydrodynamic stability in turtles MAYERL, CJ*; BLOB, RW; Clemson University; Clemson University The costs of steady swimming can represent most of the daily energy budget of aquatic animals. Maintaining stability while swimming is thought to provide energetic advantages that can limit such costs, […]

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