Meeting Abstract 134.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Delusions of immunocompetence: song complexity, song consistency and immune trade-offs in song sparrows KUBLI, SP; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, EA*; Western University; Western University In short-lived, migratory songbirds, constitutive innate immunity is an important component of fitness. Females cannot directly assess immune function of potential mates, but condition-dependent ornaments or displays may provide […]
sessions: Session 134
Transparency and Depth Effects on Metabolic Rates in Hyperiid Amphipods
Meeting Abstract 134-6 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:30 – 11:45 Transparency and Depth Effects on Metabolic Rates in Hyperiid Amphipods ELDER, L.E.*; SEIBEL, B.A.; Yale University; University of South Floridia This study sought to determine what environmental and ecological factors influence the rate of metabolism in marine amphipods. We examined species from a range of environments […]
Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and vegetation types
Meeting Abstract 134-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:00 – 11:15 Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and vegetation types MCTERNAN, MR*; ANDERSON, RA; POWERS, SD; Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA; Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR The geographic range of the Western Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis […]
Repeated exposure to food limitation earlier in life enables rats to spare lipid stores during prolonged starvation
Meeting Abstract 134-3 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:45 – 11:00 Repeated exposure to food limitation earlier in life enables rats to spare lipid stores during prolonged starvation MCCUE, M/D*; SALAZAR, G; ALBACH, A; St. Mary’s Univ The risks of food limitation and ultimately starvation date back to the dawn of heterotrophy; yet, starvation remains a major factor […]
Metabolic scaling of individuals vs populations experimental evidence for variation in scaling exponents at different community levels
Meeting Abstract 134-5 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:15 – 11:30 Metabolic scaling of individuals vs. populations: experimental evidence for variation in scaling exponents at different community levels NORIN, T*; GAMPERL, A.K.; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada The power scaling of metabolic rate with body mass is fundamental to animal biology, due to […]
From Blushing Beroids to Tenacious Tentaculata New Evidence of Tyrosine Metabolites in Ctenophores and Their Functional Implications
Meeting Abstract 134-2 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:30 – 10:45 From Blushing Beroids to Tenacious Tentaculata: New Evidence of Tyrosine Metabolites in Ctenophores and Their Functional Implications TOWNSEND, JP*; SWEENEY, AM; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania Ctenophores have taken on new importance in revealing animal origins with modern work showing their position near the root […]
Energy Budgeting in a Temperate Hummingbird
Meeting Abstract 134-1 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:15 – 10:30 Energy Budgeting in a Temperate Hummingbird SHANKAR, A*; CANEPA, JR; GRAHAM, CH; WETHINGTON, SM; POWERS, DR; Stony Brook University; George Fox University; George Fox University; Hummingbird Monitoring Network; Stony Brook University; WSL Zurich Warming climates will likely cause organisms to adjust their energy budgets to accommodate […]
Effects of dormancy and temperature on metabolic parameters in Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus Does immune state match metabolic rate
Meeting Abstract 134-7 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:45 – 12:00 Effects of dormancy and temperature on metabolic parameters in Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus: Does immune state match metabolic rate? GOESSLING, JM; MENDONCA, MT*; APPEL, AG; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University Because energy is the basic unit of physiological processes, understanding differences in energy usage may offer […]
Transparency and Depth Effects on Metabolic Rates in Hyperiid Amphipods
Meeting Abstract 134-6 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:30 – 11:45 Transparency and Depth Effects on Metabolic Rates in Hyperiid Amphipods ELDER, L.E.*; SEIBEL, B.A.; Yale University; University of South Floridia This study sought to determine what environmental and ecological factors influence the rate of metabolism in marine amphipods. We examined species from a range of environments […]
Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and vegetation types
Meeting Abstract 134-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:00 – 11:15 Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and vegetation types MCTERNAN, MR*; ANDERSON, RA; POWERS, SD; Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA; Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, WA; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR The geographic range of the Western Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis […]