Meeting Abstract 131-4 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15 The Role of Cytochrome P450 2B (CYP2B) in Facilitating Dietary Specialization in Mammalian Herbivores ORR, TJ*; KITANOVIC, S; SCHRAMM, KM; SKOPEC, MM; WILDERMAN, PR; HALPERT, JR; DEARING, MD; University of Utah; University of Utah; Weber State University; Weber State University; University of Connecticut; University of Connecticut; University of […]
sessions: Session 131
Taking the Short- or Long-chain Route Conversion Efficiency of Alpha Linolenic Acid to Long-chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Aerial Insectivore Chicks
Meeting Abstract 131-1 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:15 – 10:30 Taking the Short- or Long-chain Route: Conversion Efficiency of Alpha Linolenic Acid to Long-chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Aerial Insectivore Chicks TWINING, CW*; LAWRENCE, P; WINKLER, DW; FLECKER, AS; BRENNA, JT; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University; University of Texas-Austin, Dell Medical School Food […]
Seasonal variation in baseline and stress-induced physiology in the western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans)
Meeting Abstract 131-2 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45 Seasonal variation in baseline and stress-induced physiology in the western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) HOLDEN, KG*; SPARKMAN, AM; MILLER, DA; BRONIKOWSKI, AM; Iowa State University; Westmont College; Pennsylvania State University; Iowa State University Physiology facilitates the interaction between the environment and organismal fitness; thus, individual endocrine […]
Four weeks of wheel access alters lean, fat, and relative organ masses in adult female house mice
Meeting Abstract 131-7 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:45 – 12:00 Four weeks of wheel access alters lean, fat, and relative organ masses in adult female house mice LOUIS, MP*; CASTRO, AA; CADNEY, MD; KAZZAZI, L; GARLAND JR, T; University of California, Riverside Phenotypic plasticity potentially affects all aspects of an organism’s adult phenotype. As an example, many […]
Digestive specialization in prickleback fishes (Family Stichaeidae) Liver Transcriptome and Metabolic Rate
Meeting Abstract 131-6 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45 Digestive specialization in prickleback fishes (Family Stichaeidae): Liver Transcriptome and Metabolic Rate HERRERA, MJ*; HERAS, J; GERMAN, DP; University of California, Irvine Prickleback fishes (Family Stichaeidae) are a unique study system in which to investigate dietary specialization because they consist of closely related species that coexist in […]
Biochemical Mechanisms Influencing Countergradient Variation in Lizard Development
Meeting Abstract 131-3 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Biochemical Mechanisms Influencing Countergradient Variation in Lizard Development LENARD, A.N.*; GIFFORD, M.E.; University of Central Arkansas; University of Central Arkansas Countergradient variation occurs across environmental gradients when environmental and genetic influences on a phenotype oppose each other. An example of this phenomenon is the inherently faster growth […]