Large-scale, Automated Tracking of Ant Walking Reveals Kinematic Mechanisms Underlying Speed Constraints on Uneven Ground

Meeting Abstract 128-1  Monday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:15  Large-scale, Automated Tracking of Ant Walking Reveals Kinematic Mechanisms Underlying Speed Constraints on Uneven Ground CLIFTON, GT*; HOLWAY, D; GRAVISH, N; Univ. of California, San Diego; UCSD; UCSD Ants walk long distances to find food and defend territories. Yet, the substrates they experience are typically rugged and […]

Kinematics of Specialist and Generalist Lizards Running on Level and Incline Granular Media

Meeting Abstract 128-2  Monday, Jan. 7 10:15 – 10:30  Kinematics of Specialist and Generalist Lizards Running on Level and Incline Granular Media MANTILLA, DC*; TUCKER, EL; HSIEH, ST; Temple Univ., Philadelphia; Temple Univ., Philadelphia; Temple Univ., Philadelphia The natural world is rich with a variety of terrestrial substrates exhibiting complex behavior. For example, granular media (GM) […]

Comparative geometric mechanics of animal locomotion in dissipative environments

Meeting Abstract 128-6  Monday, Jan. 7 11:15 – 11:30  Comparative geometric mechanics of animal locomotion in dissipative environments RIESER, JM*; ASTLEY, HC; GONG, C; CHONG, B; SCHIEBEL, PE; RANKIN, JW; MICHEL, K; NICIEZA, A; HUTCHINSON, JR; HATTON, RL; CHOSET, H; GOLDMAN, DI; Ga Tech; Univ. Akron; Carnegie Mellon; Ga Tech; Ga Tech; Royal Vet College; Royal Vet […]

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