Meeting Abstract 128-2 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45 Red ketocarotenoids found inside mitochondria in Haemorhous mexicanus GE, Z*; TOOMEY, M; HILL, GE; Auburn University; Washington University, Saint Louis; Auburn University For decades, carotenoids-based coloration has been one of the most extensively studied ornamentations in birds, they are responsible for many of those yellow, orange […]
sessions: Session 128
Prenatal environment as a modulator of mitochondrial function new insights from an avian model
Meeting Abstract 128-3 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Prenatal environment as a modulator of mitochondrial function: new insights from an avian model STIER, A*; TSCHIRREN, B; METCALFE, N; MONAGHAN, P; University of Glasgow; University of Exeter Mitochondria are the powerhouse of animal cells. They produce through oxidative phosphorylation more than 90% of the cellular energy […]
Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair in response to induced ROS exposure in Mice
Meeting Abstract 128-7 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:45 – 12:00 Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair in response to induced ROS exposure in Mice PARK, NP*; ZHANG, Y; HOOD, WR; KAVAZIS, AN; Auburn University Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can damage mitochondrial and cellular proteins, lipids and DNA and thus, many consider ROS to be consistently harmful. Yet, mitochondria […]
Mitochondrial performance differs in concordance with life history strategies and energetic demands in the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus
Meeting Abstract 128-4 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15 Mitochondrial performance differs in concordance with life history strategies and energetic demands in the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus TREIDEL, LA*; CHUNG, DJ; WILLIAMS, CM; UC Berkeley; University of British Columbia; UC Berkeley Organisms differ in resource allocation towards life history traits including growth, reproduction, activity, and maintenance, […]
Mitochondrial dysfunction influences development and nuclear allele segregation in intra-species hybrids
Meeting Abstract 128-5 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:15 – 11:30 Mitochondrial dysfunction influences development and nuclear allele segregation in intra-species hybrids RODRIGUEZ, J; VELAZCO, L; HADDAD, R; MONTGOMERY, J; LAURI, M; MONTELONGO, M; ROSS, J*; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno; CSU Fresno Intra-species hybridization can result in mitochondrial dysfunction […]
Induced ROS exposure improves mitochondrial performance in hepatocytes
Meeting Abstract 128-6 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45 Induced ROS exposure improves mitochondrial performance in hepatocytes ZHANG, Y*; TAYLOR, H; KASH, M; KAVAZIS, AN; ROBERTS, MD; HOOD, WR; Auburn Univ.; Auburn Univ.; Auburn Univ.; Auburn Univ.; Auburn Univ.; Auburn Univ. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can induce oxidative stress, but ROS also serve as signaling molecules […]
Do physiological adjustments to high foraging effort affect reproduction
Meeting Abstract 128-8 Sunday, Jan. 7 12:00 – 12:15 Do physiological adjustments to high foraging effort affect reproduction? YAP, KN*; POWERS, DR; TSAI, OH; WILLIAMS, TD; Simon Fraser University; George Fox University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University One of the key determinants of reproductive success in birds is the quality of parental care and, thus, […]
Toe Spacing Induces Particle Jamming During Intrusion Into Granular Media
Meeting Abstract 128-5 Monday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15 Toe Spacing Induces Particle Jamming During Intrusion Into Granular Media PRAVIN, S*; HAN, E; JAEGER, H; HSIEH, ST; Temple University; The University of Chicago; The University of Chicago; Temple University Legged, terrestrial animals use a variety of foot shapes for moving across diverse terrain. Granular substrates […]
Locomotor kinematics of free-ranging primates in response to changes in substrate diameter and orientation
Meeting Abstract 128-4 Monday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Locomotor kinematics of free-ranging primates in response to changes in substrate diameter and orientation DUNHAM, NT*; MCNAMARA, A; HIERONYMUS, TL; SHAPIRO, L; YOUNG, JW; NEOMED; University of Texas at Austin; NEOMED; University of Texas at Austin; NEOMED Primates’ near exclusive use of diagonal sequence gaits has been […]
Limb joint mechanics during incline and decline locomotion in Alligator mississippiensis
Meeting Abstract 128-3 Monday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45 Limb joint mechanics during incline and decline locomotion in Alligator mississippiensis ARIAS, AA*; AZIZI, E; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine Legged locomotion across non-level terrain poses several challenges to animals, requiring them to adjust their limb joint kinematics and kinetics to either dissipate […]