Meeting Abstract 128-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:45 Maternal nutrient transfer in pouch brooding Marsupial frogs WARNE, RW*; CATENAZZI, A; Southern Illinois University Amphibians exhibit a stunning diversity of reproductive modes ranging from aquatic larvae to terrestrial, direct developing metamorphs. Marsupial frogs display one intriguing reproductive mode in which females carry eggs adhered to their dorsum until […]
sessions: Session 128
Gene expression changes underlying matrotrophic viviparity in the cockroach, Diploptera punctata
Meeting Abstract 128-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30 Gene expression changes underlying matrotrophic viviparity in the cockroach, Diploptera punctata JENNINGS, EC*; HENDERSHOT, JM; SHEMAS, S; RIBEIRO, JMC; BENOIT, JB; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; University of Cincinnati Viviparous reproduction is characterized by maternal retention of developing […]
Embryos of the Viviparous Lizard, Zootoca vivipara, Maintain Calcium Homeostasis in the Absence of Exogenous Calcium and Respond to Calcium Availability
Meeting Abstract 128-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00 Embryos of the Viviparous Lizard, Zootoca vivipara, Maintain Calcium Homeostasis in the Absence of Exogenous Calcium and Respond to Calcium Availability STEWART, J.R.*; ECAY, T.W.; WIESSNER, G.; HEULIN, B.; East TN State Univ.; East TN State Univ.; East TN State Univ.; Station Biologique de Paimpont Calcium nutrition of embryos […]
The functional role of the intrinsic wing muscles of the pigeon (Columba livia) during dynamic wing morphing
Meeting Abstract 128-6 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:30 – 11:45 The functional role of the intrinsic wing muscles of the pigeon (Columba livia) during dynamic wing morphing THERIAULT, JS*; BAHLMAN, JW; ALTSHULER, DL; University of British Columbia, Vancouver; University of British Columbia, Vancouver; University of British Columbia, Vancouver Birds dynamically modulate their wing shape during flight. […]
The Dynamics of Trajectory Control in Jumping Frogs
Meeting Abstract 128-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:00 – 11:15 The Dynamics of Trajectory Control in Jumping Frogs RICHARDS, CT*; PORRO, LB; COLLINGS, AJ; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College The kinematic flexibility of frog hindlimbs enables multiple locomotor modes within a single species. Prior work has extensively explored maximum performance capacity in frogs; […]
Muscle Dynamics During Vertical Jumping by Kangaroo Rats (D deserti)
Meeting Abstract 128-2 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:30 – 10:45 Muscle Dynamics During Vertical Jumping by Kangaroo Rats (D. deserti) SCHWANER, MJ*; LIN, DC; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho, Moscow; Washington State University, Pullman; University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program, Moscow Predation is an important factor that shapes prey’s fitness. Kangaroo rats (D. deserti) are bipedal […]
Is there a division of labor between proximal and distal muscles of kangaroo rats hopping on an incline
Meeting Abstract 128-1 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:15 – 10:30 Is there a division of labor between proximal and distal muscles of kangaroo rats hopping on an incline? MCGOWAN, CP*; SCHWANER, MJ; LIN, DL; University of Idaho; University of Idaho; Washington State University Within large bipedal hoppers, adaptions of the ankle extensor muscle-tendon units that facilitate […]
How to overcome your physiology decoupling wing and muscle motion in Zebra Finches
Meeting Abstract 128-7 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:45 – 12:00 How to overcome your physiology: decoupling wing and muscle motion in Zebra Finches BAHLMAN, J*; ALTSHULER, D; Univ. Bristish Columbia; Univ. Bristish Columbia Birds modulate aerodynamic force in large part by varying wing velocity, and flapping velocity can be increased either through wingstroke amplitude or wingbeat frequency. […]
Elastic energy storage and thermal performance in fence lizards
Meeting Abstract 128-3 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:45 – 11:00 Elastic energy storage and thermal performance in fence lizards BALABAN, JP*; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine Western fence lizards have a broad thermal performance range, achieving nearly the same maximal accelerations and velocities between 25 and 40° C, despite a significant […]
Comparative neuromuscular function during arboreal locomotion in Anolis lizards
Meeting Abstract 128-5 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:15 – 11:30 Comparative neuromuscular function during arboreal locomotion in Anolis lizards FOSTER, KL*; HIGHAM, TE; Univ. of Ottawa; Univ. of California, Riverside Anolis lizards are a model system for how microhabitat can shape morphology, ecology, and behavior of individuals and communities. It is believed that the Anolis ecomorphs […]