The Emergence of Neuromechanical Resonance in the Control of Jellyfish Locomotion

Meeting Abstract 127-5  Monday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15  The Emergence of Neuromechanical Resonance in the Control of Jellyfish Locomotion HOOVER, A P*; MILLER, L A; University of Akron; University of North Carlonia In order for an organism to have an robust mode of locomotion, the underlying neuromuscular organization must be maneuverable in a changing […]

Stimulation of latent enhanced propulsion in free-swimming jellyfish

Meeting Abstract 127-4  Monday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00  Stimulation of latent enhanced propulsion in free-swimming jellyfish XU, NW*; DABIRI, JO; Stanford University; Stanford University External control of freely swimming jellyfish can facilitate testing of hypotheses regarding the evolution of efficient locomotion. It also enables an approach to soft robotics that simultaneously addresses longstanding challenges […]

Space utilization and orientation of cydippid ctenophores in simple shear and turbulence

Meeting Abstract 127-3  Monday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45  Space utilization and orientation of cydippid ctenophores in simple shear and turbulence BYRON, M.L.*; BAIL, J.D.; MCHENRY, M.J.; Penn State University; Penn State University; University of California Irvine Most ctenophore species generate propulsion exclusively by the metachronal motion of rows of long ciliary plates (ctenes). These […]

Locomotion in tomopterids How do these gelatinous, holopelagic worms swim

Meeting Abstract 127-1  Monday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:15  Locomotion in tomopterids: How do these gelatinous, holopelagic worms swim? KATIJA, K*; AOKI, N; HARNED, A; MUSHEGIAN, N; DANIELS, J; OSBORN, K; Monterey Bay Aquarium Res. Inst., Moss Landing; Cornell University, Cornell, NY; George Washington University, Washington DC; University of California, Berkeley; Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, […]

Hydrodynamic diversity in squid jets mediated by giant and non-giant axon systems

Meeting Abstract 127-7  Monday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45  Hydrodynamic diversity in squid jets mediated by giant and non-giant axon systems LI, DH*; BARTOL, IK; GILLY, WF; Stanford University; Old Dominion University; Stanford University Giant and non-giant axon systems in squid can act individually or in concert to control a diversity of jet-propelled maneuvers. The […]

Aggregation and Benthic Locomotion in Upside-down Jellyfish Impacts on Feeding and Defense

Meeting Abstract 127-2  Monday, Jan. 7 10:15 – 10:30  Aggregation and Benthic Locomotion in Upside-down Jellyfish: Impacts on Feeding and Defense DURIEUX, DM*; DU CLOS, KT ; GEMMELL, BJ; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida While most jellyfish are planktonic organisms as adults, actively swimming through the water column, the […]

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