Developing markets for a new product Aquacultured Red Claw in Mexico

Meeting Abstract 127.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Developing markets for a new product: Aquacultured Red Claw in Mexico GARZA DE YTA, A.; Aquaculture Global LLC The number of farms, production and demand of Cherax quadricarinatus or Redclaw has had major shifts in the last fifteen years in Mexico. These shifts also have been caused by the marketing […]

Assembling the Tree of Life with a special focus on the Freshwater Crayfish

Meeting Abstract 127.8  Monday, Jan. 7  Assembling the Tree of Life with a special focus on the Freshwater Crayfish CRANDALL, K.A.; George Washington University The US National Science Foundation has sponsored a Tree of Life program for the past 10 years, yet there appears to be no completely assembled tree. Recently, NSF funded a group of […]

The maintenance of risky personalities in yellow-bellied marmots

Meeting Abstract 127.7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00  The maintenance of risky personalities in yellow-bellied marmots PETELLE, M/B*; BLUMSTEIN, D/T; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Animals vary in the risks they take and this may be a personality trait. There are three hypotheses for the maintenance of risky personality traits. First, the residual reproductive value hypothesis uses […]

Female Personality Depends on Body Size, Reproductive State, and Social Context in the Invasive Western Mosquitofish

Meeting Abstract 127.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30  Female Personality Depends on Body Size, Reproductive State, and Social Context in the Invasive Western Mosquitofish HEMINGWAY, CT*; SARGENT, RC; St. Edward’s University; University of Kentucky The western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) is one of the top 100 invasive species worldwide. Native to North America, this fish has been expanding […]

Exploration of the Behaviors Defining Personality in African Elephants

Meeting Abstract 127.4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15  Exploration of the Behaviors Defining Personality in African Elephants FELTON, S.K.*; MERTE, C.E.; SCHULTE, B.A.; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green In sub-Saharan Africa, crop-raiding by African elephants is a major component of human-elephant conflict (HEC) which impedes conservation efforts. Understanding […]

Does the development of cerebral lateralization play a role in the evolution of personality

Meeting Abstract 127.1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30  Does the development of cerebral lateralization play a role in the evolution of personality? HURD, PL; University of Alberta Cerebral lateralization, the disproportionate partitioning of tasks to one cerebral hemisphere or the other, appears to be ubiquitous among vertebrate species. Empirical work on non-human animals demonstrates some selective advantages […]

Developmental exposure to corticosterone and adult challenge with endotoxin have interactive effects on behavior in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)

Meeting Abstract 127.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45  Developmental exposure to corticosterone and adult challenge with endotoxin have interactive effects on behavior in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) GRINDSTAFF, JL*; WASELIK, M; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Exposure to parasites, immune challenges, and other stressors during development has the potential to alter personality expression in […]

Behavioral type – environment correlations in three-spined stickleback

Meeting Abstract 127.6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45  Behavioral type – environment correlations in three-spined stickleback PEARISH, S.*; BELL, A.M.; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana There is growing evidence for consistent individual differences in behavior. It is likely that different behavioral types of individuals within populations are nonrandomly distributed in the environment, creating behavioral […]

Behavioral plasticity in response to novelty is dependent on stage of range expansion in Kenyan house sparrows

Meeting Abstract 127.3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00  Behavioral plasticity in response to novelty is dependent on stage of range expansion in Kenyan house sparrows LIEBL, AL*; MARTIN, LB; Univ of Exeter, Cornwall; Univ South Florida The introduction and range expansion of non-native species has significant ecological and economic impacts globally. Although many factors contribute to a […]

Walking kinetics and kinematics of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

Meeting Abstract 127-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:15  Walking kinetics and kinematics of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) BASU, C*; HUTCHINSON, JR; WILSON, AM; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Royal Veterinary College, University of London Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are ruminant artiodactyls whose large body mass combined with long, gracile limb and […]

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