Meeting Abstract 125-4 Monday, Jan. 7 11:15 – 11:30 Elasmobranch metabolic rate in an ecological and evolutionary context BIGMAN, JS; PRINZING, TS*; WONG, S; VANDERWAL, W; DULVY, NK; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University Metabolic rate is a fundamental physiological trait that governs resource uptake and allocation, […]
sessions: Session 125
Cheating on Atkin’s high-protein diet reduces lifespan in the Senegalese locust, Oedaleus senegalensis
Meeting Abstract 125-6 Monday, Jan. 7 11:45 – 12:00 Cheating on Atkin’s: high-protein diet reduces lifespan in the Senegalese locust, Oedaleus senegalensis. LE GALL, M*; THOMPSON, N; CEASE, AJ; LE GALL, Marion; Arizona State University Since the 1970’s Oedaleus senegalensis has become and remains the most prominent pest of millet, a subsistence crop, in the […]
Are there distinct metabolic phenotypes in common acorn barnacles Balanus glandula across the intertidal zone
Meeting Abstract 125-1 Monday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Are there distinct metabolic phenotypes in common acorn barnacles Balanus glandula across the intertidal zone? HORN, KM*; LIAUTAUD, KA; CONRAD, CL; TELANDER, KJ; ZIPPAY, ML; HARDY, KM; Cal Poly SLO; Cal Poly SLO; Cal Poly SLO; Cal Poly SLO; Sonoma State Univ.; Cal Poly SLO Intertidal organisms […]