Meeting Abstract 123-8 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45 – 12:00 What is the Function of the Narwhal’s Tusk? Insights from Morphology GRAHAM, Z/G*; GARDE, E; HEIDE-JøRGENSEN, M/P; PALAORO, A/V; Arizona State University; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Universidade Federal de São Paulo The narwhal tusk is undoubtedly one of the most charismatic […]
sessions: Session 123
Testing an Isometric Ontogenetic Model for Vibrations of Weberian Ossicles in Zebrafish
Meeting Abstract 123-3 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45 Testing an Isometric Ontogenetic Model for Vibrations of Weberian Ossicles in Zebrafish MARCE-NOGUE, J*; LIU, J; University at Buffalo; University at Buffalo Weberian apparatus (WA), known to enhance hearing in otophysan fishes, conduct sound vibrations through coupling of the gas bladder and inner ear. WA of the […]
Quantification of Suture Morphology in an Ontogenetic Framework across Laurasiatheria
Meeting Abstract 123-7 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45 Quantification of Suture Morphology in an Ontogenetic Framework across Laurasiatheria WHITE, HE*; TUCKER, AS; GOSWAMI, A; Natural History Museum, London; King’s College London, London; Natural History Museum, London Cranial variation across mammals is vast and reflects their ecological diversification. Sutures perform many different functions in cranial development […]
Ontogenetic allometry of locomotor performance in basilisk lizards
Meeting Abstract 123-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15 Ontogenetic allometry of locomotor performance in basilisk lizards CHEU, AY*; BERGMANN, PJ; Clark University; Clark University For precocious vertebrates, the need for locomotor activity begins soon after hatching or birth. Juveniles may occupy the same habitat as their adult counterparts and therefore, compete for the same […]
Morphological Scaling and Ontogeny of Shark Caudal Fins
Meeting Abstract 123-2 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:15 – 10:30 Morphological Scaling and Ontogeny of Shark Caudal Fins REGAN, MC*; ASHLEY-ROSS, MA; Wake Forest University; Wake Forest University Sharks are critical to ocean ecosystems and have been studied in many ecological and biomechanical capacities. One area of study that is relatively lacking is analysis of caudal fin […]
Matrix Models for Logistic Plate Growth in Sea Urchins
Meeting Abstract 123-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:15 Matrix Models for Logistic Plate Growth in Sea Urchins ZACHOS, LG; University of Mississippi The coronal skeletons of modern sea urchins comprise 20 columns of plates, of two basic types (ambulacral and interambulacral), in five paired sets. Following an initial plate configuration derived from the rudiment, plates […]
Cassowary Casques are Lightning Rods for Speculation Anatomical Development and Phenotypic Variation Clarifies Potential Biological Roles
Meeting Abstract 123-6 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15 – 11:30 Cassowary Casques are Lightning Rods for Speculation: Anatomical Development and Phenotypic Variation Clarifies Potential Biological Roles GREEN, TL*; GIGNAC, PM; Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa; Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa The cranial casques (i.e., bony and keratinous dorsal skull projections) of […]
Allometry and porosity of the novel sound reception structure of chameleons
Meeting Abstract 123-4 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Allometry and porosity of the novel sound reception structure of chameleons OLROYD, SL*; SIDOR, CA; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington and Burke Museum, Seattle Chameleons lack a tympanum, but two chameleon species have co-opted their pterygoid plate to serve as a receptor for airborne sound […]
Thermal Physiology of albacore tuna, , as revealed through archival tagging data
Meeting Abstract 123.6 Monday, Jan. 7 Thermal Physiology of albacore tuna, , as revealed through archival tagging data SNYDER, S*; KOHIN, S; CHILDERS, J; FRANKS, P.J.S.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD; Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Juvenile albacore, Thunnus alalunga, were tagged with archival tags in two regions […]
The genetics of cold tolerance in fruit flies dissected using bulk segregant analysis of artificial selection lines
Meeting Abstract 123.5 Monday, Jan. 7 The genetics of cold tolerance in fruit flies dissected using bulk segregant analysis of artificial selection lines NOH, S*; HAHN, DA; MORGAN, TJ; Kansas State University A species’ ability to adapt to cold temperatures can determine species distributions and influence seasonality. Drosophila melanogaster falls into a reversible coma when exposed […]