Molecular evidence of a digit identity frameshift in the Italian Three-toed Skink (Chalcides chalcides)

Meeting Abstract 12.2  Sunday, Jan. 4  Molecular evidence of a digit identity frameshift in the Italian Three-toed Skink (Chalcides chalcides) YOUNG, R. L.*; CAPUTO, V.; GIOVANNOTTI, M.; KOHLSDORF, T.; WAGNER, G. P.; Yale University; University of Ancona; University of Ancona; Yale University; Yale University While modifications of trait development are required for evolutionary change in phenotypes, […]

Evolution of phalangeal formula in gymnophthalmid lizards patterns of character states and inferences about developmental processes

Meeting Abstract 12.4  Sunday, Jan. 4  Evolution of phalangeal formula in gymnophthalmid lizards: patterns of character states and inferences about developmental processes. GRIZANTE, MB*; KOHLSDORF, T; University of Sao Paulo, FFCLRP; University of Sao Paulo, FFCLRP Limb reduction occurred repeatedly along Tetrapod evolution, and lizards in particular are one of the best models for studying the […]

Developmental Influence in the Evolution of Phalanges

Meeting Abstract 12.1  Sunday, Jan. 4  Developmental Influence in the Evolution of Phalanges KAVANAGH, KD*; JERNVALL, J; TABIN, C; Harvard Medical School and Stony Brook University; University of Helsinki and Stony Brook University; Harvard Medical School Phalanges (finger and toe bones) originate from a single condensation that grows and segments sequentially along each digit, repeatedly deploying […]

A molecular footprint of limb development in the HoxA-13 gene implications for the origin of urodele limb development

Meeting Abstract 12.6  Sunday, Jan. 4  A molecular footprint of limb development in the HoxA-13 gene: implications for the origin of urodele limb development WAGNER, Gunter P.*; KOHLSDORF, Tiana; GRIZANTE, Mariana; KIN, Koryu; Yale University; Universidade de S Paulo; Universidade de S Paulo; Yale University Transcription factor genes can undergo adaptive changes in their coding sequence […]

Why do we know so little about mechanisms underlying avian reproduction

Meeting Abstract 12.6  Monday, Jan. 4  Why do we know so little about mechanisms underlying avian reproduction? WILLIAMS, Tony D.; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, Canada Recent evolutionary analysis of large, long-term population studies’ data has shown that the traits which contribute most to individual variation in lifetime fitness in birds are longevity, clutch size and laying […]

Trade-off between migration and reproduction, and the physiological basis of egg size dimorphism in Macaroni penguins

Meeting Abstract 12.5  Monday, Jan. 4  Trade-off between migration and reproduction, and the physiological basis of egg size dimorphism in Macaroni penguins. CROSSIN, G.T.*; TRATHAN, P.N.; PHILLIPS, R.A.; WILLIAMS, T.D.; Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK); British Antarctic Survey; British Antarctic Survey; Simon Fraser University Crested penguins (Eudyptes spp.) are unique […]

The evolution of “endothermy” terminological constraints and a phylogenetic analysis of metabolic rate evolution in non-mammalian therapsids

Meeting Abstract 12.2  Monday, Jan. 4  The evolution of “endothermy”: terminological constraints and a phylogenetic analysis of metabolic rate evolution in non-mammalian therapsids BATAVIA, M.P.; University of California, Berkeley Numerous studies and reviews over the last several decades have addressed the evolution of endothermy in mammals (synapsids) and birds (diapsids). However, inconsistent usage of the term […]

The energetic costs of different components of the social display in male Brown Anoles

Meeting Abstract 12.3  Monday, Jan. 4  The energetic costs of different components of the social display in male Brown Anoles. STEFFEN, J.E.*; APPEL, A.G.; Auburn University Male Anoline social displays are dynamic and typically consist of several different components (e.g., head nods, dewlap extension, and two and four legged push-ups), which appear to be physically costly. […]

Of Voles, Mice, Chipmunks and Dogs The Energetics of Animal Personality

Meeting Abstract 12.10  Monday, Jan. 4  Of Voles, Mice, Chipmunks and Dogs: The Energetics of Animal Personality CAREAU, V.*; REALE, D.; HUMPHRIES, M.M.; THOMAS, D.W.; Département de Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada; Canada Research Chair in behavioural ecology, Département des Sciences Biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; Natural Resource Sciences, Macdonald Campus, […]

Long-term immune system activation depletes carotenoids from retina of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus)

Meeting Abstract 12.4  Monday, Jan. 4  Long-term immune system activation depletes carotenoids from retina of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) TOOMEY, M.B.*; BUTLER, M.W.; MCGRAW, K.J.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University The costs of developing, maintaining, and activating the immune system have been cited as an important force shaping life history evolution and […]

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