Iterative evolution of archosauromorph body plans through the Mesozoic Cranial convergence on pachycephalosaurids by a new Triassic archosauriform

Meeting Abstract 12.1  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:15  Iterative evolution of archosauromorph body plans through the Mesozoic: Cranial convergence on pachycephalosaurids by a new Triassic archosauriform STOCKER, M. R.*; NESBITT, S. J.; CRISWELL, K. E.; PARKER, W. G.; BROWN, M. A.; ROWE, T.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Univ. of Chicago; Petrified Forest N.P.; UT Austin; UT Austin […]

Extreme modification of the tetrapod forelimb in a Triassic reptile

Meeting Abstract 12.2  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:30  Extreme modification of the tetrapod forelimb in a Triassic reptile PRITCHARD, A.C.; Stony Brook University The bones of the tetrapod forearm have maintained a conservative pattern of relationships in the over 300 million years since their initial evolution. The radius and ulna have parallel shafts of roughly equal […]

Using image motion enhancement to uncover the mechanics of remora adhesion

Meeting Abstract 12-1  Monday, Jan. 4 10:15  Using image motion enhancement to uncover the mechanics of remora adhesion VORIS, A; ANDERSON, EJ; GARBORG, CS; FLAMMANG, BE*; Grove City College; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute/Grove City College; Grove City College; New Jersey Institute of Technology Remoras are fishes well known for their ability to stick to other […]

Move it or lose it adhesion and running velocity on rough substrates in a tropical canopy ant

Meeting Abstract 12-6  Monday, Jan. 4 11:30  Move it or lose it: adhesion and running velocity on rough substrates in a tropical canopy ant STARK, A. Y.*; YANOVIAK, S. P. ; University of Louisville; University of Louisville Biological adhesive systems like those of the gecko and marine mussel have fascinated scientists for centuries, however other […]

Hydrodynamics of remora attachment

Meeting Abstract 12-7  Monday, Jan. 4 11:45  Hydrodynamics of remora attachment FLAMMANG, BE*; TURNER, EL; GARBORG, CS; ANDERSON, EJ; New Jersey Institute of technology; Grove City College; Grove City College; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute/Grove City College FLAMMANG@NJIT.EDU Remoras are fishes that attach to marine organisms that swim at a wide range of different speeds. In order […]

Form and function of gecko toepads in relation to body angle A comparative study

Meeting Abstract 12-4  Monday, Jan. 4 11:00  Form and function of gecko toepads in relation to body angle: A comparative study BRIGGS, D*; KUO, C; CROSBY, A; IRSCHICK, D; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst We investigated how the toepads of […]

Extreme positive allometry of animal adhesive pads and the size-limits of adhesion-based climbing

Meeting Abstract 12-5  Monday, Jan. 4 11:15  Extreme positive allometry of animal adhesive pads and the size-limits of adhesion-based climbing LABONTE, D; CLEMENTE, C J *; DITTRICH, A; KUO, C; CROSBY, A J ; IRSCHICK, D; FEDERLE, W; University of Cambridge; University of the Sunshine Coast; Anglia Ruskin University; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Massachusetts Amherst; […]

Evolution of habitat use, body shape and toepad shape in geckos

Meeting Abstract 12-2  Monday, Jan. 4 10:30  Evolution of habitat use, body shape and toepad shape in geckos KULYOMINA, J*; CROSBY, A; FEDERLE, W; MOEN, D; IRSCHICK, D; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Cambridge University; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst Many gecko species have evolved […]

A broad perspective on the evolution of geckos Form, function, and ecology

Meeting Abstract 12-3  Monday, Jan. 4 10:45  A broad perspective on the evolution of geckos: Form, function, and ecology IRSCHICK, D*; CROSBY, A; FEDERLE, W; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Cambridge University Geckos are renowned for their diverse ecology and morphology. However, the vast majority of work on this group […]

The Kinematics of Larval Stomatopod Swimming and Strike Behaviors

Meeting Abstract 12-1  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15  The Kinematics of Larval Stomatopod Swimming and Strike Behaviors PORTER, ML*; STECK, M; ROBINSON, HE; University of Hawai’i at Manoa; University of Hawai’i at Manoa; University of Hawai’i at Manoa Stomatopod crustaceans are well known for their predatory strike, which is one of the fastest recorded animal […]

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