Interacting effects of light and temperature on the transcriptome of Madracis auretenra

Meeting Abstract 12.3  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:45  Interacting effects of light and temperature on the transcriptome of Madracis auretenra GUERMOND, SM*; BEAZLEY, M; MEYER, E; Oregon State University; Oregon State University; Oregon State University Coral reefs are in decline globally, in part because of bleaching-induced mortality resulting from multiple stressors including temperature and light. To enable […]

Fundamental molecular components of coral immunity revealed through comparative analysis of gene coexpression networks

Meeting Abstract 12.2  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30  Fundamental molecular components of coral immunity revealed through comparative analysis of gene coexpression networks WRIGHT, R.M.*; MATZ, M.V; University of Texas, Austin Understanding innate immunity in reef-building corals would benefit conservation efforts to restore rapidly declining reefs worldwide. Here, we took a gene coexpression networks approach to compare the […]

Estimating the Frequency of Sex in Symbiodinium

Meeting Abstract 12.6  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:30  Estimating the Frequency of Sex in Symbiodinium WHAM, DC*; LAJEUNESSE, TC; Penn State; Penn State The amount of sexual recombination in the genealogy of partially clonal organisms can be highly variable. This rate, however, can have a large effect on the tempo and mode of evolution in these organisms. […]

Coral transcriptome-wide gene expression patterns at noon and midnight in a coral reef insights into coral physiology

Meeting Abstract 12.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:15  Coral transcriptome-wide gene expression patterns at noon and midnight in a coral reef: insights into coral physiology RUIZ-JONES, GJ*; PALUMBI, SR; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station; Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station In coral reefs there are many environmental fluctuations from day to night. Circadian gene expression studies on corals […]

A genetic linkage map of the coral Orbicella faveolata produced by 2bRAD genotyping of single larvae

Meeting Abstract 12.5  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:15  A genetic linkage map of the coral Orbicella faveolata produced by 2bRAD genotyping of single larvae SNELLING, J; MEYER, E*; Oregon State University; Oregon State University Scleractinian corals are acutely sensitive to elevated temperatures, prompting widespread concern over their fate during global climate change. Genetic variation in corals’ responses […]

Vertebral column evolution and development homoplasy in the vertebrate centrum

Meeting Abstract 12.4  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:00  Vertebral column evolution and development: homoplasy in the vertebrate centrum CRISWELL, K.E.*; COATES, M.I.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago Although the vertebral column is a defining feature of vertebrates, little is known about the evolution and development of this fundamental structure. The vertebrate axial column consists of several […]

The birth of a dinosaur track sub-surface 3-D motion reconstruction and discrete element simulation reveal footprint ‘ontogeny’

Meeting Abstract 12.5  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:15  The birth of a dinosaur track: sub-surface 3-D motion reconstruction and discrete element simulation reveal footprint ‘ontogeny’ FALKINGHAM, P L*; GATESY, S M; Royal Veterinary College; Brown University Footprints, both modern and fossil, represent sedimentary distortions that provide anatomical, functional, and behavioural insight into trackmaker biology. Such interpretations can […]

The Functional and Evolutionary Significance of the Crocodyliform Pterygomandibular Joint

Meeting Abstract 12.3  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:45  The Functional and Evolutionary Significance of the Crocodyliform Pterygomandibular Joint HOLLIDAY, CM*; SELLERS , KC; VICKARYOUS, MK; ROSS, CF; PORRO, LB; WITMER, LM; DAVIS, JL; University of Missouri; University of Missouri; University of Guelph; University of Chicago; Bristol University; Ohio University; University of Southern Indiana Crocodyliforms evolved a series […]

More than one way to be a giant convergence and disparity in saurischian dinosaur hip joints during body size evolution

Meeting Abstract 12.6  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:30  More than one way to be a giant: convergence and disparity in saurischian dinosaur hip joints during body size evolution TSAI, H.P.*; MIDDLETON, K.M.; HOLLIDAY, C.M.; University of Missouri; University of Missouri; University of Missouri Reconstructing joint anatomy and function is critical to understanding locomotor behavior, ecology, and […]

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