Flexible frames for flight

Meeting Abstract 119.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Flexible frames for flight DYHR, JP*; COWAN, NJ; HINTERWIRTH, AJ; MORGANSEN, KA; DANIEL, TL; Univ. Washington; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington jdyhr@uw.edu Moving animals modulate myriad muscles in response to multimodal sensory inputs. Coordinating movement during flight is challenged by an animal’s inherent instability, additional degrees of […]

Experimental flight performance evaluation of forewing orientation in butterflies

Meeting Abstract 119.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  Experimental flight performance evaluation of forewing orientation in butterflies KOVAC, Mirko*; VOGT, Daniel; ITHIER, Danielle; SMITH, Michael, J.; WOOD, Rob, J.; Harvard University, Microrobotics Laboratory, http://micro.seas.harvard.edu mirko.kovac@wyss.harvard.edu The Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory is developing a series of biologically inspired flying micro robots at the scale of butterflies. One of the goals in […]

Effects of Body Elasticity on Stability of Underwater Locomotion

Meeting Abstract 119.6  Saturday, Jan. 7  Effects of Body Elasticity on Stability of Underwater Locomotion JING, F*; KANSO, E; Georgia Tech; Univ. of Southern California jing@math.gatech.edu We examine the stability of the “coast” motion of fish, that is to say, the motion of a neutrally buoyant fish at constant speed in a straight line. The forces and […]

Native predator eats invasive toxic prey evidence for increased incidence of consumption rather than aversion-learning

Meeting Abstract 119.1  Monday, Jan. 7  Native predator eats invasive toxic prey: evidence for increased incidence of consumption rather than aversion-learning ROBBINS, TR*; FREIDENFELDS, NA; LANGKILDE, T; Penn State; Penn State; Penn State robbins.travis@gmail.com Contemporary adaptation of native prey species to invasive predators has been relatively well documented, but that of native predators to invasive prey has […]

Extending thermal games of predator-prey interactions in a spatially-explicit context

Meeting Abstract 119.5  Monday, Jan. 7  Extending thermal games of predator-prey interactions in a spatially-explicit context RIDDELL, EA*; SEARS, MW; Clemson University; Clemson University eriddel@g.clemson.edu For many organisms, biotic interactions are mediated by abiotic features of the environment. Interactions amongst predators and their prey are no exception. For prey, behaviors are the result of balancing trade-offs between […]

Behavioral and Physiological Responses during Feather Replacement in House Sparrows

Meeting Abstract 119.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Behavioral and Physiological Responses during Feather Replacement in House Sparrows BEN-HAMO, M*; BURNS, DJ; BAUCHINGER, U; MUKHERJEE, S; EMBAR , K; PINSHOW, B; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; University of KwaZulu-Natal; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev […]

Autotomy and its effects on wolf spider foraging success

Meeting Abstract 119.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Autotomy and its effects on wolf spider foraging success STEFFENSON, M.M.*; FORMANOWICZ, D.R.; University of Texas at Arlington; University of Texas at Arlington mmsteff@uta.edu Autotomy, or voluntary loss of various body parts, has been shown as an effective predator escape mechanism in many different taxa. The autotomy of a limb has […]

Pellet formation and transport by fire ants

Meeting Abstract 119.7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45  Pellet formation and transport by fire ants MONAENKOVA, D.*; GRAVISH, N.; GOODISMAN, M.A.D.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics dmonaen@physics.gatech.edu The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis […]

Lizards popping a wheelie Bipedal running in Australian agamid lizards

Meeting Abstract 119.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Lizards popping a wheelie: Bipedal running in Australian agamid lizards CLEMENTE, C. J.; University of Queensland c.clemente@uq.edu.au Bipedal locomotion is widespread among various taxa. While the reasons for bipedal locomotion in other taxa vary from energetic advantages to reassignment of the forearms to other uses, within lizards reasons for bipedal […]

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