RADsubseqsub Minimizing the cost of population genomics

Meeting Abstract 118.7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45  RADseq: Minimizing the cost of population genomics BIRD, C E*; FURINESS, S; HOGAN, J D ; HOBI LAB, ; Texas A&M Univ. – Corpus Christi chris.bird@tamucc.edu Restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) have enabled population genomic research on non-model species, but the original protocols from the University of Oregon are […]

Population genomic analysis of the Pacific gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes elegans comparing two sampling strategies

Meeting Abstract 118.4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:00  Population genomic analysis of the Pacific gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes elegans comparing two sampling strategies PLOUGH, L.V.*; MARKO, P.B.; University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Horn Point Laboratory; University of Hawaii lplough@umces.edu Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, particularly restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) marker methods have revolutionized the field of population […]

Females bite back Sexual conflict and the evolution of venom proteins in the reproductive tract of female anole lizards

Meeting Abstract 118.3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45  Females bite back: Sexual conflict and the evolution of venom proteins in the reproductive tract of female anole lizards DURYEA, MC*; CALSBEEK, R; KERN, AD; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College; Rutgers University duryea@dartmouth.edu Reproductive proteins evolve rapidly in many species, yet the ecological significance of these proteins remains largely unknown. In […]

Adaptive genetic differentiation across the depth ranges of intertidal invertebrates

Meeting Abstract 118.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Adaptive genetic differentiation across the depth ranges of intertidal invertebrates PENNOYER, K*; FURINESS, S; COCKETT, P; GURSKI, L; BIRD, C; Texas A and M University -Corpus Christi Kelly.Pennoyer@tamucc.edu The drivers affecting realized species ranges are important in the prediction of global climate change impacts on biotic communities. Intertidal species are […]

The physiological effects of exposures to elevated COsub2sub on freshwater unionid mussels

Meeting Abstract 118-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:15  The physiological effects of exposures to elevated CO2 on freshwater unionid mussels HANNAN, KD*; JEFFREY, JD; WRIGHT, A; HASLER, CT; SUSKI, CD; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign kelly.hannan3@gmail.com The movement and spread of invasive fish […]

Regulation of mitochondrial Fsub1subFsubOsub-ATPase in the anoxia tolerant turtle, Trachemys scripta

Meeting Abstract 118-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30  Regulation of mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase in the anoxia tolerant turtle, Trachemys scripta GOMEZ, C.G*; RICHARDS, J.G; University of British Columbia ; University of British Columbia gomezc@zoology.ubc.ca The anoxia-tolerant turtle, Trachemys scripta is able to survive months buried in anoxic mud while overwintering in ice covered-ponds. In most vertebrates, anoxia leads to […]

Metabolomic profiling of hypoxia responses at low temperatures in a chill susceptible insect

Meeting Abstract 118-6  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30  Metabolomic profiling of hypoxia responses at low temperatures in a chill susceptible insect BOARDMAN, L*; SORENSEN, JG; KOSTAL, V; SIMEK, P; TERBLANCHE, JS; University of Florida, Gainesville; Aarhus University, Denmark; Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic; Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic; […]

Gas exchange in developmentally amphibious insects

Meeting Abstract 118-7  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:45  Gas exchange in developmentally amphibious insects MATTHEWS, PG; University of British Columbia pmatthews@zoology.ubc.ca The insects have successfully reinvaded the aquatic environment numerous times, adapting their air-filled respiratory systems to function underwater. The evolution of tracheal gills enabled insects to exploit the aquatic environment as water-breathing animals, but they all must […]

Epibionts on sea spiders no control, no problem

Meeting Abstract 118-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 10:45  Epibionts on sea spiders: no control, no problem. LANE, S.J.*; SHISHIDO, C.M.; MORAN, A.L.; TOBALSKE, B.W.; WOODS, H.A.; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Hawai’i; Univ. of Hawai’i; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana steven.lane@umontana.edu Essentially all surfaces of marine plants and animals host epibionts. Epibionts may harm their hosts in […]

Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnic hypoxia on oxygen transport and acid-base status in the Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, during exercise

Meeting Abstract 118-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00  Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnic hypoxia on oxygen transport and acid-base status in the Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, during exercise LEHTONEN, M.P.*; BURNETT, L.E.; Coll. of Charleston lehtonenmp@g.cofc.edu Responses of many estuarine invertebrates to hypoxic conditions are well established, however many studies have investigated hypoxia as an isolated condition […]

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