Meeting Abstract 117.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Experimental supplementation with antioxidants reduces reproduction-associated oxidative damage in breeding male Florida Scrub-Jays HEISS, Rebecca S. *; SCHOECH, Stephan J.; University of Memphis; University of Memphis Oxidative damage results from the inability of an organism to cope with reactive oxygen species. Previously, we found that male Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) […]
sessions: Session 117
Effects of acute, physiological elevations of corticosterone on offspring sex ratios in two avian species
Meeting Abstract 117.5 Saturday, Jan. 7 Effects of acute, physiological elevations of corticosterone on offspring sex ratios in two avian species PINSON, SE*; GAM, AE; NAVARA, KJ; University of Georgia, Athens; University of Georgia, Athens; University of Georgia, Athens Birds have demonstrated a remarkable ability to bias offspring sex. Studies suggest that female birds may use […]
Anoxia boosts post-irradiation longevity and mating success in a lekking fly
Meeting Abstract 117.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Anoxia boosts post-irradiation longevity and mating success in a lekking fly LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, G*; HAHN, D.A.; University of Florida; University of Florida Oxidative stress can be triggered by an array of environmental stressors and increases in oxidative stress can mediate sexual selection and impact mating success. One such stressor is gamma […]
Personality, stress, and fitness in a long-lived seabird
Meeting Abstract 117.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Personality, stress, and fitness in a long-lived seabird GRACE, J.K.*; ANDERSON, D.J.; Wake Forest Univ.; Wake Forest Univ. The relationship between the stress response and personality has recently become controversial. General “rules” of personality developed in laboratories appear to be less applicable in the wild or across species. Here, we […]
Immune costs of the physiological stress response are affected by cross-generational exposure to stress
Meeting Abstract 117.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Immune costs of the physiological stress response are affected by cross-generational exposure to stress MCCORMICK, G.L.*; LANGKILDE, T.; Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University An organism’s ability to respond to stressors is integral to its survival and reproductive fitness, and is increasingly important in light of environmental change. An animal’s […]
Corticosterone responsiveness and behavioral phenotype reveal learned antipredator behavior is sex specific in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
Meeting Abstract 117.2 Monday, Jan. 7 Corticosterone responsiveness and behavioral phenotype reveal learned antipredator behavior is sex specific in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) JONES, B.C.*; BEBUS, S.E.; SMALL, T.W.; BATEMAN, P.W.; SCHOECH, S.J.; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Memphis; Archbold Biological Station; Univ. of Memphis The extent to which antipredator behavior is learned, […]
Corticosterone and fitness effects of incubation temperature
Meeting Abstract 117.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Corticosterone and fitness: effects of incubation temperature WADA, H*; ALLEN, NR; KRIENGWATANA, B; SCHMIDT, KL; SOMA, KK; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, SA; Auburn University; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario; University of British Columbia; University of Western Ontario In the recent years, there has been growing interest […]
Are extreme temperatures physiologically stressful An experimental examination of thermal variation on corticosterone levels in two species of alligator lizard
Meeting Abstract 117.5 Monday, Jan. 7 Are extreme temperatures physiologically stressful? An experimental examination of thermal variation on corticosterone levels in two species of alligator lizard TELEMECO, R.S.*; ADDIS, E.A.; Iowa State Univ., Ames; Gonzaga Univ., Spokane, WA Temperature profoundly affects organisms and extreme temperatures can compromise vital functions. Exposure to such extremes might be highly […]
The dangers of an over-extended phenotype social and ecological costs of increasing male attractiveness
Meeting Abstract 117.1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:15 The dangers of an over-extended phenotype: social and ecological costs of increasing male attractiveness JORDAN, LA; University of Texas, Austin Experimentally testing the costs and benefits of sexual traits is difficult because manipulating one trait often has uncontrolled effects on other traits. Here I use an extended sexual phenotype […]
The Evolution of Muscle Physiology and Social Behavior in Caribbean Anolis Lizards
Meeting Abstract 117.6 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:30 The Evolution of Muscle Physiology and Social Behavior in Caribbean Anolis Lizards JOHNSON, MA; Trinity University Lizards in genus Anolis (anoles) are a model system in studies of evolution, ecology, and behavior, yet relatively little is known regarding the diversity of behavioral mechanisms in this group. While the mechanisms […]