Meeting Abstract 117-7 Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:30 – 09:45 The swim bladder enhances sound pressure sensitivity and bandwidth of the lagena in female plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) VETTER, BJ*; SISNEROS, JA; University of Washington; University of Washington The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) is an established neuroethological model for investigating mechanisms of acoustic communication because the […]
sessions: Session 117
Relationship of advertisement call parameters with phenotypic traits in “singing” male plainfin midshipman
Meeting Abstract 117-3 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45 Relationship of advertisement call parameters with phenotypic traits in “singing” male plainfin midshipman BALEBAIL, S*; SISNEROS, J A; University of Washington; University of Washington The plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) is a vocal species of teleost fish that uses social acoustic signals for communication. During late spring and […]
Genotyping-By-Sequencing via 3RAD Capture to Determine Reproductive Mode in a Facultative Parthenogen
Meeting Abstract 117-2 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30 Genotyping-By-Sequencing via 3RAD Capture to Determine Reproductive Mode in a Facultative Parthenogen BROWN, T A*; TSURUSAKI, N; BURNS, M; UMBC, Baltimore, MD; Tottori University, Tottori, JPN; UMBC, Baltimore, MD Alternative reproductive systems, wherein individuals do not exclusively reproduce sexually, may provide unique insight regarding sexual conflict. […]
D2 Dopamine Receptor Activation Induces Aggression in Male House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Meeting Abstract 117-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15 D2 Dopamine Receptor Activation Induces Aggression in Male House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) FLORKOWSKI, MF*; YORZINSKI, JL; Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University Social species, including gregarious birds, often use aggressive interactions to secure resources and establish dominance hierarchies within their social groups. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter […]
Carotenoid Concentration in Avian Retinal Oil Droplets Correlates with Color Discrimination Across a Perceptual Category Boundary
Meeting Abstract 117-4 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00 Carotenoid Concentration in Avian Retinal Oil Droplets Correlates with Color Discrimination Across a Perceptual Category Boundary NOWICKI, S*; CAVES, EM; SCHWEIKERT, LE; GREEN, PA; TABOADA, C; ZIPPLE, MN; PETERS, S; JOHNSEN, S; Duke University, Durham, NC; University of Exeter, United Kingdom; Florida International University, Miami; University of Exeter, […]
Can I Buy You a Drink The Effect of Male Hydration Status on Male Mating Behavior and Female Life History in Bean Beetles
Meeting Abstract 117-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15 Can I Buy You a Drink? The Effect of Male Hydration Status on Male Mating Behavior and Female Life History in Bean Beetles BASTIAANS, E*; JAVALY, N; O’LOUGHLIN, C; MCCORMICK, L; WEGRZYN, P; SUNY Oneonta; Portland State University; SUNY Oneonta; SUNY Oneonta; SUNY Oneonta Individuals are expected […]
Are brown anoles bullies Insights into interactions between an invasive and native lizard species
Meeting Abstract 117-6 Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30 Are brown anoles bullies? Insights into interactions between an invasive and native lizard species BUSH, JM*; ELLISON, M; SIMBERLOFF, D; University of Tennessee Knoxville; University of Tennessee Knoxville; University of Tennessee Knoxville Invasive species often displace native species that they closely resemble or compete extensively with. The […]
Male quality in an Arctic passerine what are the links between plumage and reproduction
Meeting Abstract 117.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Male quality in an Arctic passerine: what are the links between plumage and reproduction GUINDRE-PARKER, S.*; GILCHRIST, H.G.; DOUCET, S.M.; LOVE, O.L.; Biological Sciences, University of Windsor; National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada; Biological Sciences, University of Windsor; Biological Sciences, University of Windsor Theory predicts that an individual’s quality and […]
Gonadotropin suppression alone does not induce the short-day ovarian phenotype in Siberian hamsters
Meeting Abstract 117.6 Saturday, Jan. 7 Gonadotropin suppression alone does not induce the short-day ovarian phenotype in Siberian hamsters ZYSLING, DA*; PARK, S-U; MCMILLAN, EL; PLACE, NJ; Cornell Univ, Ithaca NY Many seasonal breeders time their reproductive effort to the spring and summer months to insure adequate resource availability for the production and care of young. […]
Gene expression underlying the “decision” to initiate egg-laying Social effects on vitellogenesis
Meeting Abstract 117.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Gene expression underlying the “decision” to initiate egg-laying: Social effects on vitellogenesis PERFITO, Nicole*; HORNICK, Kristin; NGUYEN, Sophie; DARLING, Hannah; BENTLEY, George; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley The ‘decision’ by female birds to begin egg-laying is a pivotal physiological time point in reproductive timing. Once […]