Meeting Abstract 116.6 Saturday, Jan. 7 Radiant heat loss in the pinnae of exercising elephants: pinna recruitment or regional non-pachyderm? ROWE, M. F.*; BAKKEN , G.S.; RATLIFF , J.; HAGAN , D.; THEISON, W.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University ; Audubon Nature Institute; Indianapolis Zoo; Pittsburgh Zoo Abstract African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian elephants (Elephas […]
sessions: Session 116
Evolution of thermal acclimation in constant and heterogeneous environments
Meeting Abstract 116.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Evolution of thermal acclimation in constant and heterogeneous environments CONDON, CH*; COOPER, BS; YEAMAN, S; ANGILLETTA, MJ; Arizona State University; Indiana University, Bloomington; University of British Columbia; Arizona State University Experimental studies of the evolution of thermal acclimation are dominated by tests for an adaptive benefit of acclimation under all […]
Evidence of local thermal adaptation in a Caribbean coral
Meeting Abstract 116.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Evidence of local thermal adaptation in a Caribbean coral KENKEL, C.D.*; GOODBODY-GRINGLEY, G.; BARTELS, E.; DAVIES, S.W.; PERCY, A.L.; MATZ, M.V.; The University of Texas at Austin; Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; Mote Tropical Research Laboratory; The University of Texas at Austin; The University of Texas at Austin; The University of […]
The freshwater sponge, Ephydatia muelleri, as a model to study the evolution of developmental regulatory programs
Meeting Abstract 116.8 Monday, Jan. 7 The freshwater sponge, Ephydatia muelleri, as a model to study the evolution of developmental regulatory programs HILL, A.*; RIVERA, A.; WINTERS, I.; RUED, A.; DING, S.; POSFAI, D.; GENTILE, L.; WEBB, E.; TROK, W.; Univ. of Richmond, Richmond, VA; Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, CA; Stanford Univ. School of Medicine, Stanford, […]
Testing passive flow and oxygen consumption in three temperate demosponges
Meeting Abstract 116.10 Monday, Jan. 7 Testing passive flow and oxygen consumption in three temperate demosponges LUDEMAN, DA*; REIDENBACH, MA; LEYS, SP; University of Alberta; University of Virginia; University of Alberta Sponges are suspension feeders that process up to 900x their body volume in water daily, and extract bacteria with up to 98% efficiency. Because of […]
Synergistic Effects of Crude Oil and Corexit Dispersant on a Sponge Holobiont System
Meeting Abstract 116.2 Monday, Jan. 7 Synergistic Effects of Crude Oil and Corexit Dispersant on a Sponge Holobiont System LOPEZ, JV*; CUVELIER, M; GILBERT, JA; LARSEN, P; WILLOUGHBY, D; WU, Y; BLACKWELDER, P; MCCARTHY, PJ; SMITH, E; VEGA THURBER, R; Ocean Center -Nova Southeastern University; Florida International University; University of Chicago; Argonne National Laboratory; Ocean Ridge Biosciences; […]
Sponge recovery after extreme mortality events Taxonomic and morphological patterns in regeneration vs recruitment
Meeting Abstract 116.6 Monday, Jan. 7 Sponge recovery after extreme mortality events: Taxonomic and morphological patterns in regeneration vs. recruitment WULFF, J/L; Florida State University Sponge mortality associated with a dense phytoplankton bloom on the southern portions of the Belize Barrier Reef in late summer 2011 was extreme, with 70% of the sponge biomass abruptly lost. […]
Sponge Hybridomas Applications and Implications
Meeting Abstract 116.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Sponge Hybridomas: Applications and Implications POMPONI, S.A.*; JEVITT, A; PATEL, J; Florida Atlantic University, Fort Pierce; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Florida Atlantic University, Fort Pierce Many sponge-derived natural products with human health applications have been discovered over the past three decades. In vitro production has been proposed as one biological […]
New insights into the position of the metazoan root from multi-criterion outgroup selection and microRNAs
Meeting Abstract 116.7 Monday, Jan. 7 New insights into the position of the metazoan root from multi-criterion outgroup selection and microRNAs SPERLING, EA*; FEUDA, R; ROTA-STABELLI, O; ROBINSON, J; PETERSON, KJ; PISANI, D; Harvard University; NUI-Maynooth; Fondazione Edmund Mach; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College; NUI-Maynooth There are several phylogenetic hypotheses relating the different sponge classes, but all […]
Comparative Time-Lapse Studies of Coughing Calcareous Sponges
Meeting Abstract 116.9 Monday, Jan. 7 Comparative Time-Lapse Studies of Coughing Calcareous Sponges BOND, C; Greensboro College, North Carolina Despite their lack of muscles and neurons, sponges are capable of propagated contractile events, known as contractile waves. These contractions have been studied mostly in demosponges with the typical leuconoid canal design. This present study presents novel […]