Differential growth rates of body segments explain ontogenetic shifts in heart position

Meeting Abstract 115.6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:30  Differential growth rates of body segments explain ontogenetic shifts in heart position ANDERSON, GE*; SECOR, SM; University of Alabama; University of Alabama ganderson@crimson.ua.edu Relative heart position in snakes has been hypothesized to be adaptively correlated with habitat and shown to be conserved phylogenetically. For snakes, relative heart position also shifts […]

Beetle horn diversity does shape affect performance during fights

Meeting Abstract 115.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Beetle horn diversity: does shape affect performance during fights? MCCULLOUGH, E.L.; University of Montana, Missoula mccullough.e@gmail.com Rhinoceros beetles exemplify the elaborate morphologies that can result from sexual selection. Males have long horns on their head and prothorax that they use in fights over reproductive access to females. Species vary dramatically […]

Unequal division of labor among fire ant workers

Meeting Abstract 115.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 14:00  Unequal division of labor among fire ant workers MONAENKOVA, D.*; KUTNER, R.; GOODISMAN, M.A.D.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology; Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics dmonaen@physics.gatech.edu S. invicta red imported fire […]

Self healing of fire ant aggregations

Meeting Abstract 115.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 13:45  Self healing of fire ant aggregations HU, D.L.*; DAVE, T.; PHONEKEO, S; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta hu@me.gatech.edu Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) link their bodies together to form structures such as rafts, bivouacs and bridges. Such structures are in danger of being damaged by natural disturbances such as passing water […]

Portrait of a hive Linking division of labor, foraging ecology, and flight performance using automated tracking in bumblebees

Meeting Abstract 115.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 14:15  Portrait of a hive: Linking division of labor, foraging ecology, and flight performance using automated tracking in bumblebees CRALL, JD*; GRAVISH, N; MOUNTCASTLE, AM; COMBES, SA; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; Concord Field Station, Harvard University jcrall@oeb.harvard.edu The origins and […]

Organizing Termite Construction without Cement Pheromone Mediated Stigmergy

Meeting Abstract 115.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 13:30  Organizing Termite Construction without Cement Pheromone Mediated Stigmergy BARDUNIAS, P. M.*; TURNER, J. S.; State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry paulmb@ufl.edu Nest structures of termites arise from the aggregate labor of many individuals. Grassé […]

Modeling the effect of group size on rheotactic behaviors

Meeting Abstract 115.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 14:30  Modeling the effect of group size on rheotactic behaviors CHICOLI, A*; PALEY, D.A.; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Univ. of Maryland, College Park achicoli@umd.edu Many fish exhibit (positive) rheotaxis, a behavior in which fish orient upstream with respect to the flow. Rheotaxis may confer many potential benefits, including energetic cost […]

Lazy or hardworking, alone or together the effect of grouping on pulsing behavior in Cassiopea and Xenia

Meeting Abstract 115.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 14:45  Lazy or hardworking, alone or together: the effect of grouping on pulsing behavior in Cassiopea and Xenia SAMSON, J.E.*; KHATRI, S.; MILLER, L.A.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of California, Merced; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill jesamson@live.unc.edu Upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopea) and pulsing soft corals (Xenia) generate water […]

Single cell epigenetics in polyploid and diploid cells the search for cell identity

Meeting Abstract 115-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00  Single cell epigenetics in polyploid and diploid cells: the search for cell identity DABE, E.C.*; KOHN, A.B.; MOROZ, L.L.; DABE, Emily; Univ. of Florida; Univ. of Florida; Univ. of Florida emily.dabe@gmail.com From humans and amphibians to invertebrates, there are many instances of polyploidy of cells with more than 2 copies […]

Making an Eye Optic Vesicle Morphogenesis in the Cephalopod Doryteuthis pealeii

Meeting Abstract 115-7  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30  Making an Eye: Optic Vesicle Morphogenesis in the Cephalopod Doryteuthis pealeii KOENIG, KM*; GROSS, JM; University of Texas at Austin kmkoenig@utexas.edu Photoreception is a dominant sensory tool found in the majority of taxa across the Metazoa. Photoreceptive organs range in complexity from a single photoreceptor cell, pigmented eyespots and cups, […]

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