Meeting Abstract 115.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Mating Status Drives Male-Female Interactions in a Polygynandrous Butterfly WESTERMAN, E.L.*; MONTEIRO, A.; Yale University; Yale University Operational sex ratio (OSR) is one of the main factors driving mate selectivity and mating behavior. Though often considered stable for a given population, OSR may vary throughout the breeding season as mating […]
sessions: Session 115
Torques in running and feet in walking – how deviations from point mass models give insight into bipedal locomotion
Meeting Abstract 115.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Torques in running and feet in walking – how deviations from point mass models give insight into bipedal locomotion HUBEL, T.Y.*; USHERWOOD, J.R.; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College Reductionist point mass models are useful in understanding the underlying mechanical principles of walking and running. However, they are inevitably incomplete […]
Sex-specific aging of performance in male and female professional basketball players
Meeting Abstract 115.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Sex-specific aging of performance in male and female professional basketball players LAILVAUX, SP*; WILSON, R; KASUMOVIC, MM; University of New Orleans; University of Queensland; University of New South Wales The expression of phenotypic traits is often influenced by dynamic resource allocation trade-offs which, when occurring over the course of individual […]
Compensations for increased rotational inertia during human cutting turns
Meeting Abstract 115.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Compensations for increased rotational inertia during human cutting turns JINDRICH, DL*; QIAO, M; California State University, San Marcos; Arizona State University Locomotion in a complex environment is seldom steady-state, but the mechanisms used by animals to power and control unsteady locomotion (stability and maneuverability) are not well understood. We used […]
Collision-based analysis of human walking versus running with and without additional vertical loading
Meeting Abstract 115.5 Monday, Jan. 7 Collision-based analysis of human walking versus running with and without additional vertical loading LEE, D/V*; COMANESCU, T/N; BERTRAM, J/EA; University of Nevada Las Vegas; University of Nevada Las Vegas; University of Calgary Collision-based analysis quantifies geometrically and energetically the interaction between the center of mass (CoM) and the environment. This […]
Can we improve a footballer’s kicking performance using optimisation theory
Meeting Abstract 115.2 Monday, Jan. 7 Can we improve a footballer’s kicking performance using optimisation theory? HUNTER, A*; WILSON, R S; The University of Queensland; The University of Queensland How much effort should an individual use when executing a physical task? And how much effort should one use if a physical task or skill relies on […]
The Use of Geometric Morphometrics to Characterize Morphology and Movement in Bipalium cf vagum
Meeting Abstract 115.5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15 The Use of Geometric Morphometrics to Characterize Morphology and Movement in Bipalium cf. vagum SODA, KJ*; SLICE, DE; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Florida State University, Tallahassee Over the past few decades, geometric morphometric methods (GMM) have revolutionized how morphometric studies are conducted. Because GMMs are able to maintain all […]
Sensilla Density Corresponds to the Regions of the Horn Most Frequently Used During Combat in the Giant Rhinoceros Beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dynastinae)
Meeting Abstract 115.3 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45 Sensilla Density Corresponds to the Regions of the Horn Most Frequently Used During Combat in the Giant Rhinoceros Beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) ZINNA, RA*; MCCULLOUGH, EL; Washington State University, Pullman; University of Montana, Missoula In the giant rhinoceros beetle, Trypoxylus dichotomus (L.), males have a long forked […]
Morphology and distribution of interlacunar canals in elasmobranch mineralized cartilage
Meeting Abstract 115.7 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45 Morphology and distribution of interlacunar canals in elasmobranch mineralized cartilage SHRIVASTAVA, R; SEIDEL, R; REPP, F; KOLLMANSBERGER, P; ZASLANSKY, P; DEAN, MN*; VIT University, India; MPI-Potsdam, Germany; MPI-Potsdam, Germany; ETH-Zürich, Switzerland; Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Germany; MPI-Potsdam, Germany Connectivity among tetrapod bone cells is integral to tissue health and mechanosensing: osteocytes connect […]
Holistic Morphometrics of Sand Dollar Echinoids Using Geographic Information Systems Technology
Meeting Abstract 115.1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:15 Holistic Morphometrics of Sand Dollar Echinoids Using Geographic Information Systems Technology ZACHOS, L G; University of Mississippi A mature individual of the Northern Sand Dollar Echinarachnius parma has a skeleton composed of approximately 1000 individual calcite plates. There are significant changes in number, size, orientation, and location of plates […]