Copulatory plugs potentially affect multiple stages of pregnancy

Meeting Abstract 114-7  Monday, Jan. 7 09:30 – 09:45  Copulatory plugs potentially affect multiple stages of pregnancy LOUGH-STEVENS, M*; URNESS, M; HOBBS, A; GHIONE, C; DEAN, M; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California The mammalian copulatory plug, which coagulates after male ejaculation […]

Can male contest limit assortative female preference in a polymorphic poison frog

Meeting Abstract 114-1  Monday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Can male contest limit assortative female preference in a polymorphic poison frog? YANG, Y*; RICHARDS-ZAWACKI, CL; Univ. of Pittsburgh; Univ. of Pittsburgh Assortative mate preferences (i.e. preferring mates of a similar phenotype to one’s self) are hypothesized to limit gene flow and accelerate reproductive isolation among […]

Can Females Differentially Allocate Resources to Offspring Sired by Different Males

Meeting Abstract 114-3  Monday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45  Can Females Differentially Allocate Resources to Offspring Sired by Different Males? LEVELL, ST*; REZNICK, DN; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside The Viviparity-Driven Conflict Hypothesis (VDCH) predicts that the placenta provides a novel arena for conflict over resources. Parent-offspring conflict is a predicted to […]

A Tangled Web Why do Some Individuals Mate with the Wrong Species

Meeting Abstract 114-4  Monday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  A Tangled Web: Why do Some Individuals Mate with the Wrong Species? GREENWAY, G*; HAMEL, J; MILLER, CW; Univ. of Florida; Elon University; Univ. of Florida Reproductive interference, or reproductive interactions between heterospecific individuals, is commonly reported across taxa, but its drivers are still far from clear. […]

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