Hydrodynamic function of the cephalic lobes of the cownose ray for bottom swimming stabilization

Meeting Abstract 113.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Hydrodynamic function of the cephalic lobes of the cownose ray for bottom swimming stabilization FISH, Frank E*; GABLER, Molly K; BENESKI, John T; MULVANY, Samantha; MOORED, Keith W; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; Univ. of South Florida, Tampa ; Princeton Univ. New Jersey ffish@wcupa.edu […]

Hydrodynamic Function of Dorsal Fins in Sharks

Meeting Abstract 113.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  Hydrodynamic Function of Dorsal Fins in Sharks MAIA, A.*; LAUDER, G.V.; WILGA, C.D.; University of Rhode Island; Harvard University; University of Rhode Island amaia@my.uri.edu Kinematic and electromyographic data from dorsal fins in sharks indicate that these structures are actively controlled during steady swimming. Here, we investigate how the two dorsal fins […]

Flippin’ out inverted sand dollars actively orient themselves in flow to maximize lift for righting

Meeting Abstract 113.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  Flippin’ out: inverted sand dollars actively orient themselves in flow to maximize lift for righting HARDY, A.R.*; MERZ, R.A.; Swarthmore College, PA; Swarthmore College, PA arhardy7@gmail.com The fact that sand dollars are often dislodged and inverted is an inescapable consequence of living at or slightly below the sediment-water interface. Once inverted […]

Gut microbes facilitate consumption of toxic diets by herbivores

Meeting Abstract 113.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Gut microbes facilitate consumption of toxic diets by herbivores KOHL, K.D.*; WEISS, R.B.; DALE, C.; DEARING, M.D.; Univ of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ of Utah; Univ of Utah kkohl78@gmail.com For decades, ecologists have hypothesized that herbivorous mammals might host beneficial microbes that facilitate the ingestion of diets containing toxic plant […]

Estrogens and Plants

Meeting Abstract 113.1  Monday, Jan. 7  Estrogens and Plants EDWARDS, TM; Louisiana Tech University tedwards@latech.edu Our lab has shown that estrogenicity in soybeans varies among plant organs, and changes across the season as plants mature, and respond to seasonal environmental change. Estrogenicity of plant tissues comes from “phytoestrogens” – lignans, coumestans, and especially flavonoids. These plant molecules […]

Divergent Behavioral Strategies in Three Congeneric Rodents for Dealing with Fruit Toxins

Meeting Abstract 113.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Divergent Behavioral Strategies in Three Congeneric Rodents for Dealing with Fruit Toxins SAMUNI-BLANK, M*; IZHAKI, I; DEARING, MD; KARASOV, WH; GERCHMAN, Y; KOHL, K; LYMBERAKIS, P; KURNATH , P; ARAD, Z; Technion, Haifa; Univ. of Haifa, Haifa; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison; Haifa Univ. in Oranim, […]

Ambystoma maculatum larvae evolve to recognize local predator cues

Meeting Abstract 113.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Ambystoma maculatum larvae evolve to recognize local predator cues RACK, JM; Univ. of Connecticut jessica.rack@uconn.edu In an aquatic environment where visual cues are limited, prey animals often respond to predator-released chemical cues with changes in behavior, morphology, or life history traits. Assuming sufficient additive genetic variation, natural selection should act to […]

Abiotic noise in volatile signaling by plants

Meeting Abstract 113.5  Monday, Jan. 7  Abiotic noise in volatile signaling by plants WILSON, J.K.*; WOODS, H.A.; University of Montana keatonwilson@me.com Plants have developed a multitude of ways to defend themselves from insect herbivores. One recently discovered strategy is the release of airborne chemicals that signal the type of herbivore attacking the plant. In some systems, this […]

Thermoregulatory strategy shifts with development in harp seal pups (Pagophilus groenlandicus)

Meeting Abstract 113.1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Thermoregulatory strategy shifts with development in harp seal pups (Pagophilus groenlandicus) LIWANAG, HEM*; PEARSON, LE; MARCOS, C; GMUCA, N; HAMMILL, MO; BURNS, JM; Adelphi University; University of Alaska Fairbanks; Adelphi University; Adelphi University; Maurice Lamontagne Institute; University of Alaska Anchorage hliwanag@adelphi.edu Mammals must balance heat production with heat loss to […]

Nitrogen solubility related to lipid composition in toothed whale fats

Meeting Abstract 113.6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45  Nitrogen solubility related to lipid composition in toothed whale fats LONATI, G.L.*; WESTGATE, A.J.; KOOPMAN, H.N.; UNC, Wilmington; UNC, Wilmington; UNC, Wilmington GLL9008@uncw.edu Nitrogen (N2) dynamics are physiologically important for air-breathing divers, as N2 inhaled at the surface can saturate fatty tissues that receive blood flow during dives. Toothed whales […]

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