Meeting Abstract 112.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Non-uniform strain in squid mantle muscle: relating the length-tension curve to in vivo muscle performance THOMPSON, J.T.*; SHELTON, R.M.; KIER, W.M.; Franklin and Marshall College; University of North Carolina; University of North Carolina Non-uniform strain occurs during contraction and re-expansion of the hollow, muscular mantle of squids, with up to […]
sessions: Session 112
In vivo locomotor mechanics of the tarsometatarsus bone in juvenile emus
Meeting Abstract 112.5 Saturday, Jan. 7 In vivo locomotor mechanics of the tarsometatarsus bone in juvenile emus LAMAS, L.P.*; MAIN, R.P.; SHEFELBINE, S.; HUTCHINSON, J.R.; The Royal Veterinary College, UK; Purdue University, Indiana, USA; Imperial College London, London, UK; The Royal Veterinary College, London, UK Emus(Dromaius novaehollandiae) have become increasingly popular models for pelvic limb (PL) […]
Correlation of bone loading and muscle function in the hindlimb of the river cooter turtle (Pseudemys concinna)
Meeting Abstract 112.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Correlation of bone loading and muscle function in the hindlimb of the river cooter turtle (Pseudemys concinna) AIELLO, B.R.*; BLOB, R.W.; BUTCHER, M.T.; Youngstown State University; Clemson University; Youngstown State University Limb muscles have important roles during locomotion, such as counteracting ground reaction forces (GRF) and generating propulsive mechanical work […]
Analysis of rat hindlimb muscle and tendon mechanics using x-ray videoradiography
Meeting Abstract 112.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Analysis of rat hindlimb muscle and tendon mechanics using x-ray videoradiography HORNER, Angela M*; ASTLEY, Henry C; ROBERTS, Thomas J; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University Biomechanical scaling principles have shaped our understanding of mammal locomotion for decades, but our understanding of tissue level function is biased toward taxa 1 […]
Sexual dimorphism of Hemidactylus frenatus along a latitudinal cline testing Rench’s rule in an ectotherm with intense male-male competition in lower latitudes
Meeting Abstract 112.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Sexual dimorphism of Hemidactylus frenatus along a latitudinal cline: testing Rench’s rule in an ectotherm with intense male-male competition in lower latitudes CAMERON, S.F.*; WILSON, R.S.; Uni of QLD, Australia; Uni of QLD, Australia Rench’s rule predicts that animal populations with greater average body sizes should exhibit higher magnitudes of […]
Quantifying inter-specific variations through the automated discovery of stereotyped behaviors
Meeting Abstract 112.2 Monday, Jan. 7 Quantifying inter-specific variations through the automated discovery of stereotyped behaviors BERMAN, G.J.*; CHOI, D.; BIALEK, W.; SHAEVITZ, J.W.; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University In recent years, the scientific community has learned a great deal about morphological evolution through making comparisons between closely-related species, discovering, for instance, that […]
Optimal Performance Theory developing a framework for understanding whole-animal performance in the wild
Meeting Abstract 112.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Optimal Performance Theory: developing a framework for understanding whole-animal performance in the wild WILSON, R S*; CARTER, A J; The University of Queensland; University of Cambridge Should an animal run as fast as it can when trying to escape a predator? What about when running to catch food or whilst […]
Many-to-many mapping of phenotype on function, and the F-array
Meeting Abstract 112.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Many-to-many mapping of phenotype on function, and the F-array BERGMANN, P.J.*; MCELROY, E.J.; Clark University; College of Charleston Relationships between phenotype and function are often complex, involving trade-offs, facilitations, redundancies, and traits that influence only one aspect of function. In systems with multiple phenotypic parts and multiple functional capacities, phenotype-function […]
Assembly and disassembly of fire ant bivouacs
Meeting Abstract 112.5 Monday, Jan. 7 Assembly and disassembly of fire ant bivouacs MLOT, N.J.*; MORRISON, J.; LEAMY, M.; TOVEY, C.A.; HU, D.L.; Georgia Tech, Atlanta; Georgia Tech, Atlanta; Georgia Tech, Atlanta; Georgia Tech, Atlanta; Georgia Tech, Atlanta Fire ants are capable of linking together to form bivouacs, which serve as temporary shelter when alternatives cannot […]
Torque production and stability during narrow branch locomotion
Meeting Abstract 112.5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15 Torque production and stability during narrow branch locomotion CHADWELL, BA*; YOUNG, JW; NEOMED; NEOMED During locomotion on narrow branches, lateral movement induces increases in the angular momentum of the center of mass (COM) that, if unchecked, will topple the animal from the branch. Grasping appendages may facilitate balance on […]