Meeting Abstract 111-4 Monday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00 Social Pairing Influences Behavior and Physiology Near Termination of Migration in a Facultative Migrant ROBART, AR*; NAVARRO, W; ZUNIGA, H; WATTS, HE; Washington State University ; Washington State University ; Washington State University ; Washington State University Spring migratory movements of obligate migrants are consistent, both in […]
sessions: Session 111
Multiyear social stability shapes cryptic colonial behavior in an ectothermic marine predator
Meeting Abstract 111-2 Monday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30 Multiyear social stability shapes cryptic colonial behavior in an ectothermic marine predator PAPASTAMATIOU, YP*; BODEY, TW; BRADLEY, D; FRIEDLANDER, AM; CASELLE, JE; FREEMAN, R; JACOBY, DMP; Florida International University; University of Auckland; University California Santa Barbara; University of Hawaii/National Geographic; University of California Santa Barbara; Zoological Society London […]
Interactions Between Individual and Group Variance in Collective Behavior
Meeting Abstract 111-5 Monday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15 Interactions Between Individual and Group Variance in Collective Behavior AYALI, A*; KNEBEL, D; GUERSHON, M; ARIEL, G; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Animal collective behavior is a result […]
Effects of Experience on Brain Development in a Facultatively Social Bee
Meeting Abstract 111-1 Monday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15 Effects of Experience on Brain Development in a Facultatively Social Bee JAUMANN, S*; SMITH, A; George Washington University; George Washington University Social animals face unique selection pressures, including selection on brain development. In some bees, the brains of social queens, social workers, and solitary individuals are morphologically […]
Comparable spatial organization of pelagic fish schools and squid squadrons
Meeting Abstract 111-6 Monday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30 Comparable spatial organization of pelagic fish schools and squid squadrons BURFORD, BP*; WILLIAMS, R; DEMETRAS, N; HARDING, J; GILLY, WF; 1. Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 1. Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA; 2. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA; 1. Stanford […]
Antarctic Krill Schools Linking Three Dimensional Structure and Function
Meeting Abstract 111-7 Monday, Jan. 7 09:30 – 09:45 Antarctic Krill Schools: Linking Three Dimensional Structure and Function MURPHY, DW*; OLSEN, D; KANAGAWA, M; KING, R; KAWAGUCHI, S; OSBORN, J; WEBSTER, DR; YEN, J; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Georgia Institute of Technology; Australian Antarctic Division; Australian Antarctic Division; Univ. of Tasmania; Georgia Institute […]