Diet Switching in mammalian herbivores differential tolerances of two woodrat species and their hybrids to toxic diets

Meeting Abstract 110-7  Monday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30  Diet Switching in mammalian herbivores: differential tolerances of two woodrat species and their hybrids to toxic diets ORR, TJ*; YAMADA, KY; SHAPRIO, M; DEARING, MD; University of Utah; Auburn University; University of Utah; University of Utah Herbivores confront the possibility of being poisoned by their food, which […]

Did pathogens facilitate the rise of endothermy

Meeting Abstract 110-4  Monday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  Did pathogens facilitate the rise of endothermy? LOGAN, ML; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute The evolutionary success of endothermy is an enduring enigma. The energetic cost of maintaining a constant, high internal body temperature is so severe that endotherms must consume as much as thirty times the […]

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