Meeting Abstract 110.6 Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:15 Quo vadis? Mechanical constraints on fish escape behavior ELLERBY, DJ*; HITCHCOCK, AC; Wellesley College Successful predator evasion is essential to the fitness of many animals. Flexibility in escape behavior may be adaptive, as it reduces predictability and allows for behavioral modulation. High escape velocities and accelerations increase escape success, […]
sessions: Session 110
Muscle power in predator and prey species
Meeting Abstract 110.3 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:30 Muscle power in predator and prey species HUBEL, TY*; CURTIN, NA; WOLEDGE, RC; WEST, T; WILSON, AM; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Royal Veterinary College, London, UK Cheetahs and greyhounds are know for their […]
Measuring locomotor entropy to compare predator evasion ability in sympatric desert rodents
Meeting Abstract 110.1 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:00 Measuring locomotor entropy to compare predator evasion ability in sympatric desert rodents MOORE, TY*; VASUDEVAN, R; BIEWENER, AA; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Concord Field Station, Harvard University Both bipedal and quadrupedal rodents are native to Old World deserts. Despite divergent locomotion, they have overlapping […]
Lower morphological but greater functional diversity in aquatic emydid turtles, relative to terrestrial species
Meeting Abstract 110.4 Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:45 Lower morphological but greater functional diversity in aquatic emydid turtles, relative to terrestrial species STAYTON, CT; Bucknell University Morphological variation is frequently used as a proxy for functional variation. However, a variety of mechanisms can decouple these two forms of variation. Here I investigate whether greater morphological variation […]
The role of visual stimuli and social interactions in influencing brain plasticity in newly-established colonies of a primitively eusocial wasp
Meeting Abstract 110.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:15 The role of visual stimuli and social interactions in influencing brain plasticity in newly-established colonies of a primitively eusocial wasp UY, FMK*; ZORRILLA, N; University of Miami; University of Miami Plasticity in brain development has evolved in many independent taxa, suggesting advantages for the ability to preferentially invest […]
The Role of Experience in Floral Sonication Behavior by a Bumble Bee
Meeting Abstract 110.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:30 The Role of Experience in Floral Sonication Behavior by a Bumble Bee RUSSELL, A.L.*; LEONARD, A.S.; PAPAJ, D.R.; University of Arizona, Tucson; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Arizona, Tucson Behavior may vary from being completely pre-programmed, to being readily and extensively modified by experience. When learning has costs, […]
Social context during pre-adult stages influences aggression in adult honey bees
Meeting Abstract 110.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:45 Social context during pre-adult stages influences aggression in adult honey bees RITTSCHOF, C.C.*; GROZINGER, C.M.; ROBINSON, G.E.; University of Illinois; Pennsylvania State University; University of Illinois Understanding the mechanisms that connect a social experience to behavioral change is a fundamental issue in integrative biology. Honey bee aggression is socially […]
Quantifying the Effects of Perceived Predation Risk on the Avian Brain
Meeting Abstract 110.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:00 Quantifying the Effects of Perceived Predation Risk on the Avian Brain HOBBS, EC*; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, SA; CLINCHY, M; ZANETTE, L; The University of Western Ontario; The University of Western Ontario; The University of Western Ontario; The University of Western Ontario Predators are traditionally thought to affect prey solely through direct […]
Quantifying Reaction Norms of Variation
Meeting Abstract 110.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:15 Quantifying Reaction Norms of Variation KAIN, M.P.*; MCCOY, M.W.; East Carolina University; East Carolina University Correlations between environment and phenotype are often attributed to the ability of individual organisms to alter labile traits in response to environmental conditions. Most previous discussions of labile traits and phenotypic plasticity have focused […]
Organizational effects of vasotocin and V1aR on attachment, courtship and pair bonding in the zebra finch
Meeting Abstract 110.7 Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:30 Organizational effects of vasotocin and V1aR on attachment, courtship and pair bonding in the zebra finch BARAN, N.M.*; TOMASZYCKI, M.L.; ADKINS-REGAN, E.; Cornell University; Wayne State University; Cornell University Zebra finches (T. guttata) demonstrate selective affiliation between juvenile offspring and parents which, like affiliation between pair partners, is characterized […]